money. I bet that's the next place that gets hit. Unit 21 , handle. Unit 22, assist. City Deposit, 341 Gregory. Lines are down. Unable to verify. Can't this car go any faster? Come on, guys. Come on. Looks good. I got it. Out of the hole. Move it. Come on. Let's do it. Here we go. Two, one... Three minutes! Sarge, relax and trust me. - You drive worse than Maureen. - No way! Where's the seat belt? - It's a red light! - It's green! - It was red! - It was yellow! 2:30. Some kind of construction. Shit! - Taggart, you coming? - I'm coming! Don't wait for me. Two minutes. What's that for? After the club shootout, I figured I needed more firepower. We got to talk. Who do you think you are? Clint Eastwood? Dirty Rosewood? 1 :30. Sound the alarm. You got a break-in. I need authorisation. - Authorised! - Fuck! Get out of here! Come on! Go! Go! Go! Get out! Get out! Go! Rosewood, get some wheels. - This is pretty sporty! - It's all I could find. Police business! I need your car! I'm a police officer! God. Here I go again. Come on, let's go! - You hit a squad car! - I know the guy. He's a jerk! - Does the steering wheel work? - I'm steering! - Do the brakes work? - I haven't tried them. I'm sure we should have went left. Fuck! Are you driving with your eyes open, or are you using the Force? Stop! There's the truck. Now what? - This was the pick-up vehicle. - Let's follow it. Sarge? You old bloodhound! - Billy, isn't this... - Yeah. What the fuck is up? Check this out. I get $10 for cars, I get $20 for limos. What the hell is this? My truck. Here's $50. Put it next to a limo. Let me call you back. - I'm here to clean the pool. - Your name? - I'm the pool cleaner. - The pool was cleaned yesterday. It was clean. Today it's dirty. Somebody made a mistake in the pool. What do you mean by ''mistake''? Someone had a little accident in the pool. - Accident? - There's something floating in it. - What? - During some wild party, somebody shit in the pool. I'm here to clean it up. - I see... - I ain't happy, but it's my job. You write names down, I clean pools. Where's the pool at? Who are these gentlemen with you? The Board of Health. They're making sure I do the job thoroughly. If you like, I can bring it by and you can verify it afterwards. - No, that's fine. - Excuse me. Jesus Christ! Wake up! This is what we always talked about. Look alive. You may never see it again. I don't want to step on your tongues. Why aren't my parties like this? You got to die sometime. Might as well be here. - What are we doing? - Whoever took that truck is here. - How are we supposed to find them? - Follow your dick. That's the girl from the Gun Club. - With Dent and Thomopolis? - The big bitch. Max! How'd you get in here? Forget I asked. I see how, it's the suit. Nice suit, Max. - This person is annoying us. - May I see your invitation? - I haven't begun to annoy you. - What's going on? It's Max. Check your guest list cos Max ain't supposed to be here. - Are we having a problem? - Hef! Hugh Hefner! Axel Foley! I feel like I know you already cos I put your magazine up... Forget it. Here's some background on your guests. This is Thomopolis, he's into guns and drugs. And this is Max, and Max kills cops for a living. I don't know him or you. - I think it's time all of you left. - I happen to be a major contributor. We appreciate it. Goodbye. He appreciates it, Max, but take your ass home. You outdone your welcome. But it's been real, it's been nice. Everybody, party's over! Max fucked it up for everybody, so let's just go home. We'll go ahead as planned. Get Cain to prepare E. - You picked Dent's pocket? - I told y'all I wasn't always a cop. Yeah, you fractured an occasional law as a kid. This is not good. This is not good. See? Every now and then, an occasional long shot pays off. Dent's accountant, Sidney Bernstein. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст На экзамене-то я провалился... на английском - текст Триумф Нердов на английском - текст Вооружён и опасен на английском - текст Ежик в тумане на английском - текст Говорящая голова на английском |