Supervising Agent of the goddamn FBI to help break this Alphabet code? This is a local crime. My men will solve it locally, Roseweed. - Sir, my name's not Roseweed... - Shut up, please. And you, Captain Bogomil, this Alphabet investigation was your baby. Did you call the FBI? Did you order Rosewood to do that? Did you? - The Captain didn't know about it. - I said shut up! Captain Bogomil didn't call the FBI. I did. I said shut up. I'm waiting on you, Andrew. Did you order him to call the goddamn FBI or what? No, sir, but that's beside the point. No, that is exactly the point. Thank you. You're history, kiddo. You know very well that half of police work are cops following their hunches. They go with their gut reaction. I've encouraged this in my men and I'm standing behind Rosewood. Good! Tell me something, Andrew, how do you consider yourself a commanding officer? You can't maintain a supervisory relationship with your own personnel. And now you superseded the chain of command. - As of now, you are suspended. - What? - Shut up! - On what grounds? You have no control over your troop's activities. You can't do this! I can't do it? I will not have this investigation pissed away. This crime, this robbery, could be a political disaster for the mayor. What about due process? Policy requires we give you a board of review within two days. You got two days. - I am fighting you on this, Harold. - Chief Lutz to you. Where are you going? I'm not through with you two guys. Would you two like to hold onto your jobs a little while longer? You report to traffic duty, effective immediately. Yes, sir. - Hi. Trouble? - Yeah. - Maybe I can help. - It just stopped. - Is it getting gas? - I don't know. - What do you make of this, Andrew? - Who the hell are you? Vinnie! club prison in Allenwood, Pennsylvania, entered the third day of a hunger strike protesting the suspension of privileges. The Warden said the measures were taken to enforce discipline and to teach prisoners... I hate crooks that are late. Now the top story from the LA News desk. Police Captain Andrew Bogomil was gunned down in broad daylight. He is alive but in critical condition. He was leading the investigation into the Alphabet crimes. And now, Jim, back to you... Beverly Hills Police Department. This is Detective Axel Foley. I just heard what happened. Can somebody patch me to Bogomil's hospital? - Certainly, sir. - Thank you. - Who's this? - It's Jan. I just found out. I'm sorry. What happened? They operated on him, Axel. He's going to be OK. I mean... I think he's going to be OK. Here's Billy. This guy really nailed him. He set him up. Cold blood. - Who? - This Alphabet Bandit. - Who's on the case? You? - It's all politics here now, Axel. I don't think they'll let me and Taggart on it. - Hold on a minute. - Hey, Ace! Out in a minute! Take care of Jan, all right? Ace, I'm sorry I'm late, but I run into this broad. You're the fucking guy with the truckload of cigarettes! He told the cops he was from Buffalo. Take off your glasses. I thought that was you, man. I did get busted and I lost my whole investment! What's wrong with you? You know I'm a businessman. You come a half hour late and you bring a cop! What cop? He ain't no cop. It's Dirty Harry himself. What's wrong with you? - You callin' me a cop? - He's my nephew. The dude is definitely bad luck to me! I'll tell you what's bad luck. My friend's in a prison body shop. - He's a fucking clown. - I'm checking you for a wire. If he ain't a cop, why can't I frisk him? - Stop this bullshit. - Why won't he let me frisk him? Cut the bullshit. I got 2,000 blank American Express cards. Right now. You wanna do business? With you, but not in front of him because this dude's a cop. I can smell a pig. I used to be a Muslim. I know pork. Yes, pork! Definitely pork. I ain't doing ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Книга мастеров на английском - текст Алиса на английском - текст Жмурики на английском - текст Война и мир на английском - текст Эвоки: Битва за Эндор на английском |