He's better. He's up and around. Tell him you found his man. Bye-bye. Empyrean Fields. - Rip off his own racetrack? - Yes, if it's insured. - What was in the files? - We won't find oil field equipment - if we find Dent. - If we find him? Dent's visa application had today's date on it. If we don't step on it, he's gone. I don't know what happened on the City Deposit, Max. - And the Foley hit? - I don't know. That's why I need you to go along personally to make certain nothing goes wrong. I'm on the team, of course. I broke it. You son of a bitch. You beat the computer? - What's it say? - ''Chinguen sus puercos, Carlos.'' Screw you cops. Signed, Carlos. - ''Puercos'' ain't cops. - Pigs. Another word for cops. Wait a minute, Carlos? It is Cain. Charles Cain. Carlos is Spanish for Charles. Cain changed his name. He didn't want to grow up to be poor. - Cain is the Alphabet robber? - I ain't said that. The first code was very hard. This is easy. Whoever did this wanted the cops to get it. You ran numbers? - I wasn't always a cop. - He fractured an occasional law. The horses have now reached the starting gate. Freeze! Hit the floor! Freeze, goddamn it! 1 :30. 1 :15. 30 seconds. Time! Goodbye, Mr Cain. ..winning it by a nose. General was second and Marshall's Madness came third. - Our horse didn't come in. - Cain's did. The result is now official. The winner, Johnny's Dilemma... - Police officers! - Police! We're a little late. All I can tell you now is that we are confident that we have identified the Alphabet Bandit. The man was shot dead at the scene this morning by security guard Jack Stiles. In his latest robbery attempt, the man was fatally wounded. So I give you my oath right here there will be no F crime. My computer team cracked the Alphabet Bandit's code this afternoon. All of the notes, mind you, were signed ''Carlos'', right? Carlos, which, as you all know, is Spanish for Charles. Do you hear what I'm saying? - If it's Cain, where's the money? - Where's Dent? - You said shipping oil equipment. - But how? Where? - Let's put an APB out on Dent. - For what reason? - Where'd you get that? - What? It's coming from there. Excuse me. How did the mud get on the horse? He was grazing in the pasture. - Where's the pasture at? - There. Dent's oil field. Bogomil had that red mud on his sneakers. Maybe he got a tip, he came here and they tried to waste him. - Who pulled the Alphabet jobs? - Dent's going broke, OK? So he heists some bank, heists some jewellery, then throws this easy code with Cain's name on it. Simple. You frame Cain, kill Cain, Cain's the Alphabet killer, Dent gets away scot-free. Why would an oil man risk this, even if he was broke? Dent's not buying oil equipment, he's buying guns from Thomopolis. - Selling them in Central America. - Why not split with the cash? Dent buys guns here for a million and sells them there for 10 million. - Look at all that oil. - I don't see oil. I see trucks. Come on, Billy. Billy, what are you doing? I've been wanting to wear this for a while. Are you nuts? Billy, we have got to talk. What the hell is this? You can never have too much firepower. - Come on! - Shit. Bogomil was here. - You like rap music? - Yeah. I'm from the Rap Coalition of America. Throw that gun over there. If you like rap music, why ain't you smiling? - I'm smiling. - Smile. Let's rap together. - Those look like oil pumps to you? - It looks like World War III. Here, Billy. You don't have one of these, do you? You guys hang around the back, I'll check out the front. - What are you doing? - Element of surprise. What? Are you nuts? Fool the connecting wire into thinking it's still intact. These documents will make your life much easier. You need to sign them. You still got that thing? It's a bad idea. Of all the ideas you had, this is the worst. - Sure you know what you ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Гостья из будущего на английском - текст Письма мёртвого человека на английском - текст Калина красная на английском - текст Страна глухих на английском - текст Беглец на английском |