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have a theory on that. The cement
truck was a tactical decoy.
A decoy?
A diversion to protect
the criminals' getaway.
That's why it rammed the police car.
Have you submitted yourself
for drug testing yet?
I want you in by Thursday.
Are you aware that
whoever was in that truck
foiled the goddamn crime?
- Do you?
- Putz.
- Did you say something?
- He called you Putz.
No, I called you a putz.
He's right. Putz.
And you. You, Mr Scribbler... What
the hell were you doing there, Foley?
- Aren't I a police officer, too?
- Remains to be seen.
- Did you call Inspector Todd for me?
- Yes. He doesn't like you very much.
Do you hear this insubordination?
Yes, and I've never heard such abuse.
Whatever's happened, the fact remains
that the robbery was foiled
and the money was saved.
If I were you, I'd concentrate
on cracking this code
and determining where
the E crime will be.
There's not many targets
beginning with E, so find them.
- I will, Ted.
- Mayor!
Yes, Mayor.
And you! I want you out of here!
Get out of here, you degenerate!
You're not even
part of this department!
- Is this a black thing?
- Out.
- Aren't you leaving for Detroit?
- Today at noon.
You're not going to make it.
You're going to get fired.
We started this together,
we'll finish together.
Check if Bernstein owns a car.
Give me a pen. Give me a pen!
'86 Mercedes. License number CRL 507.
Naturally, I can see... I mean,
I understand. Somebody... Wait...
Come right in! Don't let the fact
that my door's closed
dissuade you from entering my office.
Beverly Hills Police.
Are you Mr Sidney Bernstein?
- Lucky guess.
- You have 25 unpaid tickets.
- We have a warrant for your arrest.
- 25? What 25?
- You have 25 unpaid parking tickets.
- I pay all my tickets.
Do you own a black Mercedes-Benz,
license plate number CRL 507?
- 507? That's my wife's car.
- You have 25 tickets.
It's under my name, but it's
my wife's car! No, no, no! Bitch!
These tickets haven't been paid.
Can you cuff Mr Bernstein?
There are people out
there with chainsaws!
You have unpaid tickets and
it's your car. We're taking you in.
Wait. I've got an idea. Is there
something that I have in this office
that I could hand to you and
that would make you kind of forget
that you're holding those
little pink tickets there?
What are you saying?
You'd have something in that hand
and this hand you'd forget about.
That hand you'd go, ''What did
I have there? I don't remember.''
You mean if I had...
- ..$200 in this hand?
- Ouch! Let go of my arm.
$200? Ouch! Please, I'm robbing you.
That's what I'm doing.
Here's one, here's two.
They're real crisp.
I have to use your computer to wipe
all evidence of this transaction out.
- No problem. No problem at all.
- Thank you, Sidney, so much.
Certainly. Certainly.
Also, one other thing.
I'm sure you understand
my contact at headquarters
wouldn't want his name to be known.
- Don't I know it.
- Could you excuse me while I...
Yeah, it's secretive. It's like
a James Bond thing! Yes, yes.
- Thank you.
- No problem!
No problem at all.
Anything you want to use.
- I can't believe...
- I don't want to hear it, Billy.
Jan, Axel. How you doing?
What do you got?
Strange. Before 1978,
everything's blank.
It's classified,
but its policy date is 1974.
I found something interesting
in our foreign office in London.
Dent was the cultural attachй to
the East German embassy in Honduras.
He's got a racetrack, shooting club,
drilling rig companies,
an oil company.
- Oil company?
- That's his biggest business.
But from these records,
seems like Dent's in trouble.
He's let his insurance lapse on
everything in the last six months.
Dent Petroleum, even the shooting
club. All his businesses except one.
- Which one is that?
- The racetrack. Empyrean Fields.
He's got a huge policy on that one.
Good, good, good, good, good.
OK. Great.
- When your father wakes up...
Полицейский из Беверли Хиллз 2 Полицейский из Беверли Хиллз 2

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