What are you doing? - ''Extend.'' ''Pull open and...'' Wow! ''Release safety.'' Aim through there, push this. Fuck Rambo. Get me the fuck out of here. - Cover me. - Go, Axel! - Let's get the hell out of here! - Hold it! - Stay right there! - Freeze! All right! Lay your weapons down! Mr Foley. You involved yourseIf in business that doesn't concern you. That was a mistake. Goodbye, Mr Foley. Women. Come on, let's go. - Police! You're under arrest! - I think they know that, Billy. Drop your weapons! Put your hands on your heads! - They got their hands up. - What took you guys so long? Shit. We're in trouble now. God damn it! Axel's AWOL. We can get out of this if we keep quiet. Don't say anything. What the hell have you done here? Looks like a goddamn war zone. What have you done, Taggart? We solved the Alphabet crimes. Shut up. Who the hell is talking to you? l solved the Alphabet case over an hour ago. And you! I don't give a damn who you're working for. You're in jail. - Chief... - Shut up. What are you doing, bringing a fire fight to my city? - You're out of the cop business! - Will you just listen a minute? - You shut your mouth! - No goddamn! You shut up! This is what the Alphabet crimes are about...guns! That guy sold them, then bought them with stolen money from Adriano's at his own racetrack. He was going to Central America. If you'd take your head out of your ass, you'd see we solved the whole thing! Lutz, why didn't I know about this? Chief Lutz doesn't have the guts to hear the truth. We had to go undercover with Foley to solve this case. You're fired, Taggart! - Yeah? Kiss my ass! - Kiss mine! You're fired, too! Lutz, l've had it with your abusive attitude. I'm sorry. I get carried away. - You're fired. Do you understand? - Don't overreact, Ted. l want you out of here now. Get out of here! Fired! - You'll regret this, Ted. - l've regretted it for two months. You too. You're out of here. Will you get out? - Are they civilians? - You bet. - I'll kick your ass later! - Axel, thank you so much, really. l've got a charity meeting for the homeless for Beverly Hills. I'd like to make a donation. Here's $200 from Sidney Bernstein. That's my alias. l don't like publicity. Thank you, Axel... l mean, Sidney Bernstein. - Thank you, gentlemen. - Thank you, sir. ''If you get your head out of your ass''? ''Kiss my ass''? You're getting more like me every day. Next thing you know, you'll have afros... Big dicks and all. - You make police chief yet? - Right. You are the new chief? lnspector Todd? Ted Egan, mayor of Beverly Hills. l told your mayor we're very thankful you allowed Foley to help us. He says he's acquired all his skills under your expert tutelage. Certainly. He's just arrived. Expert tutelage? What the fuck have you been saying? Let me talk to him. Now that you're done being a California hero, get your ass home to your real job. I'm leaving now. My ass left already. l got to catch up with it. One other thing, your secret partner Mario Andretti Friedman wrecked the goddamn Ferrari. Here, you talk to Jeffrey. Axel, it wasn't my fault. There was a bus coming... Hello? He hung up. Hello? You don't have to go home now. - Let's catch a marlin in Mexico. - Fishing's too tiring. lt's back to Detroit for some old-fashioned street violence. Come with me. Your wife left you. Come hang out. I know a lot of girls. - Maureen came back. - Did she? Congratulations. The people you least expected, they're studs. The man's a stud and we ain't even know it. - Couldn't live without you? - Her mother didn't have cable TV. lt wasn't no mother's cable TV. Your cable brought her back. - I'm off. - Thanks a lot, Axel. Don't thank me. I love you guys. - See you around. - Be cool, man. Anything we can do for you? Yeah. Take care of my uncle's house till he gets back. Axel, that's not really your uncle's ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Конфискатор на английском - текст Садко-богатый на английском - текст Чапаев на английском - текст Рождественские каникулы на английском - текст Помутнение на английском |