my boy. We all were born in sin. Help me, Tornike. The sun is rising! The sun! Don't be afraid, Grandpa. It's dark in here, you can't see anything. There, a ray! Do you see it? What does it want from me? Why is it pestering me? Let's black it out, or else I'll bleed up. Why will you bleed up, Grandpa? Look at my fingers. Do you see blood trickling down? When the sun rises, I start bleeding. Let's black the light out, quick, or I'll lose all my blood. Stop it, Grandpa! Stop it now and calm down! Why are you pestering me? Why are you prying into my soul? Why all this soul-searching? I'll have you put out in a moment! I'll have you extinguished! You see? I've blacked it out. It went completely out. Grandpa is dead! Mother! Mother! Grandpa has died! Dear Guliko, I'm sorry I have to leave you. They say my father was a bad man, I'm going to dig him up! Did you know about all this? About what? About Grandpa. Your grandfather did nothing wrong. That was a very complicated time. It's difficult to explain it now. What time has to do with it? A lot! The situation was different. The question was to be or not to be. We were surrounded by enemies. They were fighting against us. You want to say that we were supposed to pat the enemies on the back? But Barateli wasn't an enemy. He was. He may have been a good artist, but he didn't understand many things. I don't mean to say that we made no mistakes. But what is the life of one man when the happiness of millions is at stake? We were confronted with great tasks. One should remember this and be more broad-minded. You measured human lives arithmetically. The most important thing was to keep it in proportion, right? Spare me your irony, smart guy! You're old enough to know that for a public servant, public interests should always be above personal considerations. Yes, above personal considerations! Man is born a human being, he becomes a public figure later. You have your head up in the clouds, but reality is different. Varlam was always guided by the interests of society. But sometimes he had to act against his will. And if he were ordered to destroy the world, would he have done it? You know what? Your grandfather never killed anyone with his own hands! And you did fire at a human being! What kind of morals you're talking of? I didn't know who I was firing at. What difference does it make? You did fire at a human! Yes, I did... And it makes our guilt even worse. - Whose guilt? - Grandfather's, mine, and yours. What do you blame me for? For justifying grandfather and for following in his steps. You're a worse murderer than me, because you don't pity that woman. Why should I pity her? Are you out of your mind? You'd rather strangle her than ask her forgiveness. I couldn't imagine that you were such an idiot! She digs up my father from his grave, and I'm supposed to apologize? Yes, I will strangle her, and you too, if you don't come to your senses. I shall not let her desecrate the deceased! I hate you. I hate you! No one is without sin... We all are born in sin... A young man's psyche is very unstable. Depression, insomnia, the disruption of the daily routine... Even a grown-up would get depressed seeing a dead man every day. He needs rest. This medicine should be given to him three times daily. Tornike is a strong boy, don't fear for him. A state of shock normally doesn't last long. I think tomorrow he will already come into contact with you. Of course, the court will pass some sentence. But what am I to do? Keep burying my father every day? She will get what she deserves. Come on, they won't give her as much as a year. She'll get off with a fine. What do you mean? Pay a fine, and you're immediately released? Oh God, the laws we have! We're being planted a dead man, and the culprit is not put in jail. Abel, if I see the dug-up Varlam once more, I'll go mad.
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вижу Землю! на английском - текст Том Джонс на английском - текст 9 рота на английском - текст Белая планета на английском - текст Ух ты, говорящая рыба! на английском |