there. Mikhail Korisheli has been arrested. Go away before you get in trouble, too. Esteemed Varlam! Help us, help us, please! Sandro is perishing. Save him! I beg you, esteemed Varlam! Help us, esteemed Varlam! Aunt Nino, they brought logs to the station. People say there're the names and addresses of the exiled on them. Perhaps Uncle Sandro has written his name, too. My mother sent me to you. Keti, get up! Hurry up, let's go. Amiran Abashidze I've found it. I've found him, mother! Mother! Sit down in the chair. Would you like to smoke? Thank you, I don't smoke. Believe me, your sincere confession will help to alleviate your lot. The leader of the secret organization, Mikhail Korisheli himself, named you as one of its active members. It's immoral to slander an honest man in order to extract false evidence. Anything that is useful for the common cause is moral. What good can the prosecution of the innocent do the common cause? There's irrefutable proof that each “innocent” is an enemy of the nation. Like myself. You don't believe me? How can I believe you when I myself was arrested on no grounds at all, for nothing. And now you try to resort to any means to make me sign a false testimony. False? And if we confront you with Mikhail Korisheli, what would you say then? Nobody will ever convince me that Mikhail Korisheli is an enemy. If such honest people are being arrested, then you have to arrest the whole country. Bring in Mikhail Korisheli. Is it true that you were a Pontoss spy? Yes. What was your mission as an agent? I was to dig a tunnel from Bombay to London. Who helped you? - The entire group of conspirators. - Namely? - How many people? - 2,700. You don't remember the names, of course? There's a list of the conspirators. I think you can easily find it. In what acts of sabotage were you engaged? To exterminate the population, we had poisoned corn sown. Was Sandro Barateli a member of your organization? Yes, he was. You two can talk. I'll leave you alone for a while and be back after I see to my business. Listen, Sandro. I thought a lot. I was thinking all nights through. We must name as many people as possible as the nation's enemies. They can't arrest them all. And when the number of the accused reaches an astronomical figure, those at the top will think twice, convene an extraordinary assembly and expose all the criminals that have misled the government. Do you understand, Sandro? This is tactics. A cunning, crafty tactics. We'll sign everything, we'll bring it to absurdity, to absolute nonsense. We'll make thousands of absurd statements. The tunnel from Bombay to London, and so on. Eventually, the government will understand everything. It will become indignant, get, with its iron hand, at the throat of the villains and destroy them. I've been suggested all this by the wisdom of imagination. Do you understand me, Sandro? We should trust no one, no one's deeds or words! We must be vigilant and know how to detect an enemy. That's our paramount task. And not an easy one, ladies and gentlemen! Even more complicated, because out of every three people, four are enemies. Don't be surprised! Quantitatively, one enemy is more than one friend. It's always been so. And it's so today. Our Motherland is in danger, ladies and gentlemen! Let our people become like a tight fist, like the Great Wall of China the enemy would be powerless to surmount. It would also be appropriate to recall a Chinese wisdom. Confucius said: “Lt is hard to catch a black cat in a dark room. Especially if there is no cat.” No doubt, we're confronted with a most difficult task. But there're no barriers we can't overcome. If we want it very much... we will catch a cat in a dark room. Even if there is no cat. Nino! I'm glad you came. What's the news? Wait, I'll find out everything. 3-17, please. Nika, it's me. Nino
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