the whole town will blow up. What did you say? I'm destroying this document in your presence. You can go. - What else can I do for you? - That's all, thank you. Then let's clarify some biographical details. The biographies of esteemed Miriam and esteemed Mosse, those representatives of blue blood, are well known to me. As for esteemed Sandro, I'm interested in just one fact. Dear Sandro! Have you ever heard of a Tarasi Taraskaneli? Of course, I have. Tarasi Taraskaneli is my great-great-grandfather. It turns out we have a common forefather. I'm also a descendant of Tarasi Taraskaneli. - In what way? - Yes, yes, I am. But we'll talk about it later. Now you'd better tell me this. You live on the town square in a two-story house, don't you? During the ceremony a girl was blowing soap-bubbles from the window. Was that your apartment? Yes. I see everything, I notice everything. So beware of me, be careful. Though, this is no time for joking. As a matter of fact, this is life. Some blow soap-bubbles, others prosecute the enemies of the people. You artists are burning with creativity. Paupers are begging, murderers are killing, whores, pardon, are whoring. But is that normal? Is that normal?! This is how it used to be, but it will never be this way again. We'll turn our town into Paradise! With your help, my dear people, with your assistance. The audience is over. Perhaps Aravidze doesn't know about it? Why did they arrest those old people, can you explain it? Some spies! They're not guilty of anything. Of course, it's because of the church. Calm down. That's his revenge for having to tear his directive. I'll go to him, he must set the old people free immediately, or let him arrest me, too! Calm down, dear Sandro. What do you have to do with it? I took them to Aravidze, I'm to blame for their arrest, it's the church... - It's not because of the church. - Why, then? - I don't know. - You don't know? Sandro, you must calm down. I promise you, I'll do my best. Varlam will look into it and report to me. What is there to look into? What? It's not fair, Sandro. What do you want from Aravidze? He wasn't here... Stop your ravings. Go home and let me deal with it... Yes, Varlam. Varlam, we should use discretion in such matters. No. Yes. Of course. Thank you. Goodbye. You're a strange man, Sandro. A real crank. Varlam looked into it and set them free. What do you say now? Mommy! I don't know if Sandro Barateli can be compared to the great Botticelli, but I know that Nino Barateli looks like Botticelli's heavenly Madonnas. I hope I didn't scare you, lovely Nino? One kisses hands of common mortals, as for goddesses and saints, one ought to bow down to them. Dear Nino, I've heard so much about you, about the artist Sandro Barateli and his beautiful wife. I have dreamed of meeting you and seeing your pictures. But Mikhail and Yelena kept me waiting... That's slander, esteemed Varlam. It's you who is constantly busy, especially lately. Dear Sandro, I'd like to apologize for my zealous assistants. I'm glad you so timely stood up for the unfairly punished old people. - How long had they been there? - For 24 hours. - Poor things must have been scared? - Not much, they're not easily scared. Well, they're the old guard, right? Esteemed Mosse, beautiful Miriam. And this is the most important member of the family, Keti Barateli. Dear Keti! Dear Keti, please! Thank you. Keti, take Abel to your room to play. Sandro has already met our esteemed Kaiosro Doksopulo. As for Geno Rictafelov... his name sounds like rictafela, a children's game of tagging. It's a piece of wood to tap a stick with. Anyway, both of my companions are first-rate singers. Bravo! That's a talent, too, my dear hostess. Forgive us for being a little tipsy, we talk too much, we sing, we even stumble a bit. We won't bother you for long. Sandro!
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