opinion of the jury? I think so, too. It's the court's unanimous decision that this session be adjourned. Goodbye, esteemed members of the court and esteemed public. I'll dig him up anyway. Evening, spring, and shadows clumping, On the branch a bird is jumping. May a new dream me enfold. Moon has waned Earth to behold. I'm Tornike Aravidze, Varlam Aravidze's grandson. What do you want? I came... I came to ask your forgiveness. I'm not the God to give absolution. I fired at you. I'm a murderer. Oh God, what a fateful star I was born under, if I have made even you, an innocent boy, a murderer? Evening, spring, and shadows clumping, On the branch a bird is jumping. Are you making fun of me? I'm crazy, don't you know it? Crazy. I'm really crazy. Tomorrow they'll come, take me by my arms and drag me to a lunatic asylum. A lunatic asylum? Father, what have you done? What does it all mean? What are you accusing me of? The court decided she's crazy and ordered to put her in an asylum. I didn't ask them to. She's not crazy, no! And she's not guilty. The hell she isn't! For how long will you continue to live by lies? Because of that slut, you want me to dig up grandfather from his grave? Yes! It's all disgusting! I can't bear any more lies! - Calm down, Tornike. - Leave me alone! Don't you feel ashamed of yourself? For the sake of your own well-being you're ready to cut anyone's throat, declare an innocent person a criminal, a normal one crazy! Is there anything sacred for you?! Doesn't your conscience bother you? Do you know why grandfather hid in the bunker? - Shut up, little viper! - Because he was ashamed! - Stop it, Tornike! - Leave me alone! I hate you, I hate you all! This is not a home, it's a grave! Shut up, you shit! You're not a man any longer. Tornike, open the door now! Do you hear me? Tornike, open the door, I said! Tornike, open the door. Open up. Abel... To my dear grandson from grandfather Varlam May your name be cursed... as your life and deeds, Abel Aravidze! What have you done! Monster! May your blood... turn to water... and your bread... to dust! May your flesh... burn in Hell's fire... and not be honored... like your father... with an earthly burial! Why were you born... devil incarnate... Abel Aravidze? And why was your father born? And your son? It's grown so dark, it's pitch dark! Oh God, all this is so senseless! “Having fulfilled his duty, he passed away, a loyal son to his Motherland, an exemplary citizen and an irreproachable man. May his blessed memory live forever in the hearts of his friends and comrades.” So you knew Aravidze well? He was fifteen years older than me. He would have been 78 now. He had lived a big, eventful life. He was a good man, a great man! But people say that his sins gave him no peace. Not at all, my dear! People talk such rubbish. There was no other man in the world as pure and sympathetic as he. His only concern was how to be useful to people. Excuse me, does this street lead to a church? I want to know whether this street leads to a church. No, this is Varlam Street, and it doesn't lead to a church. Then what do you need it for? Why have a road that doesn't lead to a church? With Veriko ANDZHAPARIDZE Boris TSIPURIA Akaky KHIDASHELI Leo ANTADZE, Rezo ESADZE Amiran AMIRANASHVILI Amiran BUADZE Dato PAPUASHVILI Shota SKHIRTLADZE Besso KHIDASHELI and others The End
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