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O Lord...
What is it, my son?
I came to confess,
I've been sinning,
my soul is split in two.
Man has been split in two
since he tasted the forbidden fruit
and learned what's good and what's
It's not a great sin.
It's not the split I'm speaking of.
My conscience is split in two,
it's my conscience.
I'm preaching atheism
while wearing a cross.
Perhaps that's why my life
got so confused...
After preaching atheism,
it's good to go to church
and confess your sins.
No, you didn't understand me.
I'm worried about losing, little by
little, my moral principles.
I don't see any difference between
good and evil any longer.
I've lost faith! Faith!
What faith?
I'm ready to forgive everyone
and justify any loathsomeness:
Snitching, treachery,
cowardliness, deception, baseness.
Then you're a Christ, my son!
It's not for you to complain.
You're not lying, are you?
No... it's an absolute truth.
You think so?
Who are you trying to deceive,
You will grind to dust anyone
who stands in your way.
If you're struck on one cheek,
you won't turn the other one,
you'll strike back so hard
that the other's neck is broken.
Your kind is not capable of
You don't give a damn about good
and evil.
It's not splitting you're worried
about, it's fear that's killing you!
What fear?
You fear yourself.
All your life you've been after
prestige, proud of your model family,
and, suddenly, your world is
- No!
- Yes.
Your father is thrown out of his
you're losing your power,
your only son rebels against you.
All that stood for the name of Abel
Aravidze is slipping away from you.
And you're left alone,
helpless and weak.
- No! No!!!
- Yes, you're afraid!
You're being eaten up by your fear
of loneliness.
For a lonely unbeliever
thinks only of death.
Yes, I'm afraid!
I'm surrounded by emptiness.
All my life I've been trying to run
away from it, pretending and lying.
Both my family and my work
are just self-deception, for I am
afraid to be left alone with myself.
Afraid to think.
About what?
About what's most important.
Who are you?
What do you live for?
What's the point of your existence?
Who are you?
What did you live for?
And you?
And you?
Who are you?
Who are you, Abel Aravidze?
Abel Aravidze,
Abel Aravidze...
Who are we? What did we come to this
world for? Where are we rushing to?
You know what?
Forget all this nonsense.
Tomorrow everything will return to
normal and you'll live as you used to.
Trying to atone for your sins?
A coward, that's what you are!
If it were up to me,
I would have sent you right to Hell!
Who are you?
Who are you? Answer me!
Didn't you recognize me, my boy?
So you came to confess to the devil?
Abel, what's the matter with you?
What is this?
What is it?
There's no truth, it's the end...
My life is over.
Are you all right?
Take it. Pull yourself together.
Everyone is looking at us.
What does the Prosecutor have to say?
I demand that the case
be re-examined,
legally brought to trial,
and henceforth be known as
“Aravidze versus Barateli” case.
I'm telling you that Aravidze
will not rest in the ground.
As soon as I'm released,
I'll dig him up.
I hope that Ms. Barateli
is not the primitive creature
that believes it's possible
to achieve a moral objective
by an immoral act,
by insulting a deceased.
It's possible, because Aravidze
is not dead!
- You think... he's alive?
- Yes, he's alive!
And as you defend him, he goes on
living and corrupting the society.
Just a minute.
Excuse me. So you're asserting
that he's alive?
Your Honor, members of the jury,
esteemed Prosecutor!
I categorically demand that
the defendant Barateli be sent
to a psychiatric hospital
for examination.
And I do repeat as categorically:
The defendant is sane!
This has been established by an expert
examination and recorded in the report
which is in the file.
What is the
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Читайте также:
- текст Весь этот джаз на английском
- текст Отель "У погибшего альпиниста" на английском
- текст Пролетая над гнездом кукушки на английском
- текст Калина красная на английском
- текст Вторжение в США на английском

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