StudioCentral Studio of Children and Youth Films named after M. GORKY Third Creative Union, USSR ln Association with Zespoly Filmowe, BULGARlA and Silesia Creative Union, POLAND present THE HlJACKlNG OF "SAVOY" Based on the novel by A. Shchipersky "Flight #627" Written by lsai Kuznetsov, Andrzei Gozewski Directed by Veniamin Dorman Directors of Photography- Vadim KORNlLYEV, Andrei KlRlLLOV Art Director Mark GORELlK Production Designers Milko MARlNOV, Boleslaw KAMYKOWSKl Music by Andrzey KOSZlNSKl Sound - Boris KORESHKOV - Everything's OK, Jose? - Yeah. Hi, Henry. Give me a fag. - So? - The van is waiting. How much? A half-ton load. - l'll pull up the van here. - Okay. Just move your ass. Cops! Get into the plane! Quick! The weed. How many were they? Just two. Starring: Wlodzimiers GOLAClNSKl as Janek Borowski Darya MlKHAlLOVA as Tanya Sokolova Leonid BRONEVOY as Jean Challot Antoni YURASZ as Stanislaw Wezanski Aleksandr MlKHAlLOV as Gido Torstensen O. OSTROUMOVA as Valentina Sokolova Mikhail Gluzsky as Henrich Scharff Algimantas MASlULlS as Max Abendrot Lychezar STOYANOV as Borde lgor VASlLYEV as Lancier Aleksandr VOKACH as Welt Olev ESKOLA as Roggers Leonid Markov as Lafonte G. LYAMPE as Robert M. ZHlGALOV as Magnus Sh. GAZlYEV as Ramiro Yu. PERATSKY as Teacher L. NEMCHlK as Berje N. BEGALlN as Joker A. MlKHAlLOV, G. MARTlROSYAN as "Savoya" pilots State Cinematography Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Andrzey KOSZlNSKl WARSAW, 1978 You got lucky, Janek. You're going to the country full of mysteries. Good afternoon. Hi. l'm jealous of you. l've been dreaming of becoming a traveler since l was a kid, to explore the jungles of the River Amazon, but life had it its own way. Once, on a day like this l left home, and got back only 6 years later. Are you talking about the war? Right. l got back here, to the totally destroyed Warsaw. Here's a taxi. Central Market, please. ln Paris you'll be met by Monsieur Challot. How will l recognize him? Don't worry, you will recognize him. According to your dad's description, he looks very much like the famous Tartarin. l gave him your train and car numbers. So relax. - And what does he do? - He's a businessman. Publishes dictionaries. Does business with various firms in Latin America. Your dad met Challot when they were working together in Rio. By the way, you're doing French, right? So your interacting with Challot is a perfect chance for you to practice it. The boy goes to Paris alone. Could you look after him, please? And in Paris he'll be met. Don't worry, l'll take care of him. Bon voyage! - Goodbye, Teacher. - Okay, get on the train. - Janek Borowski? - Right, it's me. - Hi. - Hi. l recognized you. Your dad is one of the nicest people l've ever met, and you're his copy. - Jan Challot. - Janek. We got the same names. l'm really happy about this. Can l help you? - No, thanks. - You don't trust me with your bag? You're tired after this trip. A bathtub and a delicious lunch await you. Janek, get out of the car. You go to the hotel, and we'll take a little walk. Every time l come to Paris, l walk these streets and think back to my youth. ln this bistro l learned that the Germans had crossed the Magineaux Line. And in this house, up there, there was a secret rendezvous flat of our underground resistance group. - You were in the resistance? - That's right. What? l don't look it? l wasn't always as fat as l am now. Was even decorated with a cross. You will see it. lt's in my house in Rouen. Come here. l was standing right here, and he came out of the movie theatre. Who? Evan Hastke, SS Sturmbanfuhrer, a most disgusting man. l fired at him. Killed him? No, my Walter misfired. And later this cost many good people their lives. Go to the hotel. And when in '44 Paris welcomed General LeClerc's tanks... l could not eyewitness that. Why not? Was in the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Лунная радуга на английском - текст Дом на Трубной на английском - текст Чудеса своего рода на английском - текст Сволочи на английском - текст Завтра была война на английском |