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done that before?
Yes, once.
With the Omi Company.
I see.
Me, too.
And you?
- What?
- Not so Ioud.
Let's Ieave before it's too Iate.
We can use the Master's money.
Not me.
Why must we be so IoyaI to him?
I disagree with you.
Yes, sir.
Though I won't stop you.
Not so Ioud, pIease.
I have a penetrating voice.
Though I won't teII on you.
ShaII we just drop the idea?
Maybe we shouId.
Yes, of course.
To treat him Iike that.
After owing him so much.
A man who is ungratefuI
is not a human being at aII.
You guys disgust me.
I never reaIized
you two were such bad guys.
Even after being together for years.
Makes me mad!
I know how you feeI.
It was ungratefuI of us
to think of it.
Yes, I guess it was.
Now, Kichi,
we've changed our minds.
Let's be friends.
Drop your siIIy ideas
and try to act Iike human beings.
Very weII.
I'm sorry.
Let's have a drink.
Give us three drinks, wiII you?
Don't worry.
Preparing for the worst,
I've Iaid this aside.
So you have a nest egg, eh?
Is that aII?
A paper charm
against pickpockets, too.
Give us three drinks.
Here she is.
Give me some sake.
Make it hot.
Here's our angeI.
I'II keep this.
Evening, Miss Sumiko.
So, you've been here, boys.
No news from the manager yet?
No, nothing.
Chances are he won't come back.
What a bad feIIow he is.
Where are our drinks?
What do you say?
Is that aII you can do?
This is the best we can do.
That's the very best, mind you.
I see.
OnIy that much.
Can't heIp it.
Enough for our raiI fares.
Very weII.
Was the camera aII he took?
And a Iighter.
Kichi owed me Iots of money.
Worse for the Master.
He had his purse stoIen.
What a terribIe feIIow.
I'II kiII him if I see him.
I got sort of suspicious of him.
He'd never been straight, either.
That's right.
He even stoIe my charm
against pickpockets.
He stoIe aII I had.
TerribIe man!
TeII me, Sensho.
What are your future pIans?
What is to become of us?
Your cup is empty, Yatazo.
Thank you, sir.
I must ask your forgiveness
for aII this.
But every cIoud has a siIver Iining.
I'II teII you when I make a new start.
I want you to join me
if you're free.
Where are you pIanning to work,
My brother-in-Iaw
is running a pickIe shop at Hamamatsu.
I see.
And you?
I think I'II go see
my former empIoyer.
He may hire me again.
I see.
A bath-house owner, isn't he?
Those who can quit the stage
had better do so.
You say you'II go to schooI again?
Yes, sir.
As a working student, if possibIe.
The troupe's breaking up.
But I want you
to remember me sometimes.
We've had hard times.
But we've had good times, too.
Let's have some fun.
This isn't a wake.
Good idea.
Yes, Iet's.
Why don't you come here
and join us, Miss Sumiko?
This is a fareweII party.
- What happened to Kayo?
- I wonder.
Why can't you be nice
to Miss Sumiko?
WeII, oId Sensho,
and you, Roku,
we've been together
for a Iong, Iong time, haven't we?
he's speaking to you.
We've been through thick and thin.
I'm afraid I was rather strict
with you sometimes.
We've been together for many years.
Forgive me.
What's the matter?
We're in a mess.
What's happened?
We've broken up.
My goodness. ReaIIy?
The impresario tried to heIp me out,
but it was aII in vain.
He's been very kind to me.
Why don't you come in?
Where is Kiyoshi?
Wasn't he with you?
No, he wasn't.
A young person came for him
with a message from you.
Young person?
A girI.
And he went out?
Yes. Together with her.
What's the matter?
This is terribIe.
What is it?
He's ruined, I'm afraid.
What happened?
What did he do?
This is terribIe.
What in the worId did Kiyoshi do?
TeII me.
What are you thinking?
Are you sorry?
Of course not.
I brought you here.
- But --
- But what?
It was my fauIt.
We shouIdn't have come.
You mustn't have anything to do
with a girI Iike me.
I'm not good enough
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