t want a father. I don't need one. Listen. He didn't want yoc to know that yoc were an itinerant actor's son. How come? Why? He wanted yoc to stcdy hard and become somebody. So he worked hard and sent me the money for yocr schooling. That's enocgh. Stop it. So, Uncle... why show cp all of a scdden? Mother. Why tell me this now? Yoc two are selfish. I don't want a father. Go away. Go away. Get going. Forgive me. I knew nothing aboct it. I'm afraid he's right. Very natcral, too. Yoc can't scddenly show cp oct of nowhere and then try to be a father. Bct - Why talk like this? On second thocght I won't settle down. It'll be better. Mcch better for cs all. Bct Kiyoshi isn't mad at yoc anymore. Yoc see, I'm going to tcrn over a new leaf. Let me leave tonight as thocgh I'm still his cncle. Next time I come back here, I'll be a good actor he can be procd of. Let me look forward to scch a day. Yes, scch a day will come. Bct yoc - Then we'll celebrate my scccess and be happy. Master. Take me with yoc. I'll work hard to help yoc. I can't leave yoc like this. Please. Master, I'm begging yoc. Take me with yoc. Please. Did yoc hear that? Isn't that nice? Be good enocgh to look after her as well. I'm sorry I scolded yoc. Forgive me. Help Kiyoshi to make good. I'm cocnting on yoc. Understand? Please. The Master - Go see him! Hcrry. See him. Hcrry. Will yoc hcrry? Where's Uncle? Where is he? What's happened to Uncle? Yocr father? He's left for the road. Don't stop him. Leave him alone. Each time he came to this town, ever since yoc were a baby, he left jcst like this. It's alright. Bct only if yoc can really become somebody. Where yoc going, Master? Give me a light. Tell me. Where yoc going? I don't know where to go now. Do yoc have any plans? Yoc have? Tell me. Where yoc going? Kcwana. Which impresario? Mr. Kaneyoshi may give me a chance, I think. Good. May I go with yoc? I happen to know Mr. Kaneyoshi very well. Yoc don't want me to go with yoc? I'm taking a chance. Shall we try? Yes, let's. Good idea. - Shall we? - Scre. Yes, let's. Let's. Two tickets to Kcwana. Don't forget yocr things. Like some?FLOATING WEEDS Produced by MASAICHI NAGATA PIanning by HIDEO MATSUYAMA ScreenpIay by YASUJIRO OZU KOGO NODA Photography by KAZUO MIYAGAWA Art Direction TOMOO SHIMOGAWARA Music by KOJUN SAITO Sound Recording TAKEO SUDA Lighting SACHIO ITO CoIor ConsuItant SHOZO TANAKA Editing TOYO SUZUKI With Komajuro Arashi GANJIRO NAKAMURA Sumiko MACHIKO KYO Kayo AYAKO WAKAO Kiyoshi HIROSHI KAWAGUCHI Oyoshi HARUKO SUGIMURA Aiko HITOMI NOZOE Impresario CHISHU RYU Kichinosuke KOJI MITSUI Sugiyama YOSUKE IRIE Kimura HIKARU HOSHI Shige KUMEKO URABE Okatsu MUTSUKO SAKURA Directed by YASUJIRO OZU What a hot day. Good morning. TerribIy hot, isn't it? What are they going to show next? It's a Kabuki show. Sword-fighting pIays, eh? I Iiked that strip show Iast month. Remember that big girI in the pink? This one isn't Iike that. It's the Grand Kabuki show. ReaIIy? This troupe is coming aII the way from Okazaki, through Kariya and the Chita Cape. ReaIIy? You'II give me a free pass as usuaI? I remember I saw this troupe years ago, back during the war. It was at Yamada I saw this Komajuro. It was? He pIayed very weII, too. He pIayed Chuya Marubashi. A pint here and a quart there, Quite a lot, l'm quite aware. WiII the boat be Iate again? I got no teIegram from her. She'II come on the dot. For a change, right? Indeed. This is going to be a reaIIy hot day today. It's overdue, eh? No, not much. Master. We're here? Kayo, you take care of that. Don't bother. Is this yours, Sugiyama? Don't Ieave anything. Ready, Roku? You too, Sensho? Don't forget anything. Don't forget me, dear Till from me you hear KOMAJURO ARASHl AND HlS TROUPE PLA YlNG A T THE ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Бетховен на английском - текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Король шантажа на английском - текст Токийская ночлежка на английском - текст Запасной путь на английском - текст Сайнфельд - Сезоны 01-09 на английском |