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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Песня Юга

Песня Юга

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
don't know nothin' bout,
Remus: and ain't had no business mixin' up wid in the
fust place. Ain't you never heard dat tale?
Johnny: Not yet, Uncle Remus!
Remus: Lawzy me, i 'clar to gracious..
Remus: I sho oughter tol' you 'bout dat.
Remus: Well, suh, once 'pon a time...
not yo' time, nor yit my time...
Remus: ...but one time, i was goin' fishin', an' i was just
thinking how the flowers and critters was curious things...
Remus: they can look in your heart and tell when it sings,
if it's whistling a tune or singing a song, they all say...
Remus: ...'howdy' when you come along.
Butterflies: Howdy, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Good mawnin', good mawnin', girls.
Butterfly: Hello, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Oh, good mawnin', Miss Nellie.
 Chorus: how do you do, mighty pleasant greetin'...
 Chorus: ...how do you do, say it when your
meetin', how do you do, with everyone repeatin'...
 Chorus: ...pretty good sure as...
Rabbit: ...your bawn. What goes up, is sure to..
Rabbit: ..e down. A penny lost is a penny found, I'll
howdy you and you howdy back, this for that and tit for tat.
Rabbit: How do you do?
Remus: Fine, how are you? how you come on?
Rabbit: Pretty good, sho' as you're born!
Remus: Stop jumpin', Brer Rabbit, you'll run outta breath.
Remus: Why don't you sit down an' calm yo'se'f?
Rabbit: Well, the grasshopper jumps,
an' so does the flea - i do what i like, an' i --
Rabbit: ...suits me! 
Remus: I don't know where you
gonna fetch up at, i sho'ly don't.
Remus: How do you do?
Possum: Fine, how are you?
Rabbit: How you come on?
Possum: Pretty good, sure as you're born.
Remus: The weather's good, the fishin's fine,
now what do you do with all yo' time?
Rabbit: Oh, i zips and i zags, i to's and fro's -
dat's what you axe me an' dat's what you knows.
Rabbit: How do you do.
Frog: Fine, how are you?
Rabbit: How you come on?
Fish: Pretty good, sure as you're born

Frog: Mind out Brer Rabbit, better mend your ways.
you's headin' for trouble one o' these days.
Remus: Warnin' dat rabbit is wastin' yo' breath.
Rabbit: Don't worry 'bout me. I can take care o' myse'f.

Remus: Doggone, dat Brer Rabbit
is sho' a caution...he sho is.
Frog: You mark my words,
that ... oh thanks...
Frog: That young scamp is gonna
put his foot in it one o' these days.
Remus: Co'se I didn't know it at de time,
but Brer Rabbit was a-headin'...
Remus: ...straight for trouble 'cause up
on chickapin hill at de edge of de big woods...
Remus: ...ol' brer fox was pow'ful curious
'bout the where'bouts o' Brer Rabbit.
Fox: Here he come, here he come, here he
come right now. Lem'me see, where was I?
Fox: Oh, yes, yes, yes... the head. Gotta have a head.
Gotta get a head right quick. Need about this much tar.
Fox: Yes, yes, about this much. I 'speck it's just
'bout right for a head. That biggity ol' rabbit
Fox: Won't get away this time, no sir.
We'll catch him sho'... i'll catch him sho'.
Bear: Dat's... dat's... dat's what you said the
last time befo', and de time befo' dat and da...
Bear: look... les' jes' knock his head clean off.
Fox: Oh, no, indeed!
Dey ain't nothin' smart 'bout dat!
Fox: I'm gonna show him who de
smartest is, an' de tar baby do de rest.
Fox: It sho' gonna fool 'im! Yes sir!
Bear: Oh, no, it ... it ... hain't ... it ain't
gon' fool nobody ... it hain't got no eyes!
Fox: Eyes! Oh, yes, indeed. Eyes!
I'm glad i thought of that!
Fox: Lem-Me see now... hmm...
let me see about this. Just 'bout this size.
Fox: Now... ah... uh... lem-me see.
Oh, yes. A nose too...
Fox: ... got to have a nose -- Needs one of
those very very badly. Got to have a nose.
Fox: This is sho' gonna do the trick.
This is lookin' mo' natural all de time.
Bear: It hain't -- It hain't -- It hain't got no hair.
Fox: Oh! Hair!
Fox: Now -- Hee -- Hum -- Arite, come on,
hep' me 'long, hep' me long, come on.
Fox: Us ain't got all day. Come
Песня Юга Песня Юга

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