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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Песня Юга

Песня Юга

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
Tempy: You take dat puppy right back
where he come from, jes' like yo' maw tol' you.
Tempy: An' don't you waste no time doin' it, neither.
Johnny: You're my puppy and that's all there is to it.
If I take you back, that Jack Favers'll drown you.
Remus: Ol' Brer Possum, got a trick
how come he get so fat,
Remus: When trouble come
along, he plays like dead,
Remus: Now who wants to live like dat.
Remus: Well I do, I shorly do.
I can't see nothin' wrong, while other folks is worryin'
Remus: I'm sleepin' all day long.
Remus: Well I do, I shorly do, It's funny but it's true,
That's what I abso-positive-i-lutely, wants to do.
Remus: Well, bless my soul. How you come by dat?
Ain't dat one o' dem Favers Dawgs?
Remus: You bin playin' wid dem boys?
Johnny: No, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Then I ax you, whar he come from? You better
turn 'roun' and tote dat dawg right back!
Johnny: But he's mine! Ginny gave him to me!
Remus: What yo' maw gonna say
when you come home wid dat dog?
Remus: She ain't gonna 'low yo to have no mangy,
no 'count puppy like dat!
Johnny: Not in the house, maybe.
But it might be all right if... you kept him.
Remus: Now hold on! You don't 'speck
ol' Unc' Remus to keep dat dawg!
Remus: What I gonna git stuff to feed 'im?
Johnny: But I...
Remus: An' fuddermo', he'd be hollerin' an' squallin'
Remus: all night. An' You got to be lettin' 'im out
an' lettin' im' in.
Remus: I sho ain't got de time to be foolin' wid no dawg.
Co'se, don't 'speck a li'l dawg like dat 'ud
Remus: eat ve'y much. An' it ain't like you
can't git uster all dat hollerin' and squallin'.
Remus: But it's dishyer lettin' in an' lettin' out.
Co'se I got a li'l corner what ain't bein' used.
Remus: Lawzy! Ain't he a ugly li'l critter?
Johnny: He's not ugly!
Remus: He might grow up to be awright.
An' den ag'in he mightn't. Come here you li'l Rascal.
Remus: Look at dat! Daw-gone,
if he don't act like he think I'm gonna take 'im.
Remus: Got a nice li'l tail, too!
 Chorus: Trouble, trouble, trouble fly away,
wake up early in the morning, when the ding dong ring,
 Chorus: look up, gwan' down to de kitchen room,
It's the same ol' thing, want to get a bite of something',
 Chorus: for that hungry look,
look up, get yer' finger in the dumplin'
 Chorus: get in trouble wid the cook.
Let the rain pour down. Let the cold win' blow,
 Chorus: Gonna stay right here,
in the home I know.
 Chorus: Trouble, trouble, trouble fly away,
havin' trouble with de weevil, never did like that,
 Chorus: look up, got the cotton full of evil,
like a hypocrite's hat, when the weevil git the cotton,
 Chorus: everybody feel low, look out,
there'll be nothin' on de table,
 Chorus: when de dinner horn blow,
let the rain pour down.
Remus: Now you Favers boys go on home!
Ain't I done tol' you? Go on away!
Remus: Ain't no if's and and's about it.
Stop pesterin' me 'bout dis yere dawg.
Remus: I ain't gonna give him to you unles'
Johnny tells me. He's yo' dawg, ain't he?
Johnny: Course he is! Ginny gave him to me!
Jake: It wern't hern to give!
Johnny: It was too hers!
Joe: That dog's ourn.
Jake: An' we're gonna take 'im.
Johnny: You're not goint to take him! He's mine.
Remus: If I hears one more
word bout dishyer puppy, I'll...
Remus: I'm goin' straight to Miss Sally.
I'll do it, sho's I'm name Remus!
Jake: We'll git 'im yet! You'll see!
Joe: Yeah!
Ginny: Johnny!
Don't you pay no 'tenshun to them.
Ginny: If they makes trouble, you jes' tell my maw.
'Cause maw says if I give 'im to you, he's yours.
Ginny: 'Member, you jes' tell my maw,
she'll whale the daylights out of 'um.

Remus: Well, honey, you show
got yo' se'f in a peck o' trouble.
Remus: You is wuss'n Brer Rabbit,
when it come to stickin' yo' foot in it.
Johnny: Stickin' my foot in it, Uncle Remus?
Remus: Tooby sho, jes' like Brer Rabbit when he took
an' stuck his foot into sump'n he
Песня Юга Песня Юга

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