's what his mother needs..
But I'm afraid it's going to take
Doshy: a little while for her to find that out.
Remus: Might cut de time down a piece,
Miss Doshy, if you jes' draps a word.
Doshy: If I want your advice I'll ask for it.
I'm a stubborn old woman Uncle Remus
Remus: Yassum, Miss Doshy,
I knows dat. Well, goodnight.
Doshy: Goodnight.
Remus: You ain't mad wid
me, is you, Miss Doshy?
Doshy: You meddling old rascal!
Of course I'm not mad with you.
Toby: Looka here! I brung you sumpin!
Johnny: Oh, he's beautiful!
Johnny: Mawnin', Brer Frog! How do you do?
Say 'knee-deep', Brer Frog, 'knee-deep', 'knee-deep'.
Toby: He got to be in de water befo' he say dat.
Johnny: Where'd you get him? At the mill pond?
Toby: Yea! How come you know dat?
Johnny: My daddy, he told me. He's caught lots of 'em.
Johnny: Let's go down after
breakfast and get some more.
Toby: Yea, maybe Uncle
Remus'll let us use his frog box.
Johnny: Come on, Brer Frog! Say it.
Sally: Johnny! Are you awake? Good morning, dear.
Toby and Johnny: Mawnin!
Sally: Did you have a nice sleep?
Johnny: Yes'm.
Come on! Take him!
Sally: Here we are now.
Let's hurry up and get dressed.
Johnny: Do I have to wear THAT suit?
Sally: Yes, dear. Daddy's
mother is coming to see us today.
Johnny: And the collar, too?
Sally: Yes, dear, of course. She made it for you herself.
Sally: She'll want to see how nice it looks on you.
Johnny: But Toby and I were goin frog huntin'.
Sally: Well that's all right, darling.
You can go another day.
Sally: Now get dressed
and come on down to breakfast.
Toby: Jes' lookin' at de
mill pon' won't hurt yo' clothes none.
Johnny: It's no fun just to look.
Toby: Sho 'tis! 'Sides, us
gotter take Brer Frog back, ain't we?
Toby: We leave him 'round here, he liable
to get stomped on.. or runned over.. or lost.
Toby: You look mighty sad.
Like yo' miss yo' fambly.
Toby: S'pose you never
saw yo' maw or paw ag'in.
Johnny: Well, I guess just
taking him back ain't frog huntin'!
Toby 'Cose 'tain't! Come on!
Toby: If you take dishyer horse,
we kin git dar a heap quicker. Here!
Johnny: How far is it?
Toby: Jes' a li'l piece. Over dar, 'roun' de bend.
Johnny: Come on! I'll beat you.
Toby: Whoa! Stay away from dar!
Toby: You can't cut 'cross dar!
Johnny: Why not?
Toby: Dat's why!
Toby: Sho is lucky I was wid you.
Johnny: What's that for?
Toby: Test whether de wind blowin' good or
bad. An' if it's blowin' towards de bull, dat ain't good.
Toby: 'Cause den he smell you
comin' an ketch you on his horns sho!
Toby: De best way is to don't cut 'cross dar 'tall.
Johnny: Giddy-ap! Gidday-ap!
Joe: We oughta drown him.
Jake: Sure, he's the runt.
Joe: Yeah.
Ginny: This here's my puppy! You leave 'im 'lone.
Jake: Aw, go on, Ginny. Ha ha ha.
Toby: Them de Faber boys. My maw don't low me to play wid dem.
Toby: Yo' maw don't neither.. If she ketch you.
Joe: You leggo o' him
befo' I knock yo' head clean off.
Jake: Where'd ya git them funny lookin' clothes?
Joe: Yeah.
Jake: Lookit that lace collar.
Look, Joe.
Joe: What's your name li'l girl?
Jake: Lookit the little girlie wearin' a lace collar!
Joe: Wearin' a lace collar!
Jake and Joe: Wearin' a lace collar!
Jake and Joe: Wearin' a lace collar!
Wearin' a lace collar!
Johnny: Can' I hold him?
Ginny: You kin have him.
Johnny: For keeps?
Ginny: If you'll be nice to 'im.
They was gonna drown 'im.
Ginny: His name's Teenchy.
Johnny: Teenchy? Gee, he's beautiful!
Johnny: You can have it if you want.
Johnny: Guess Teenchy wants a boat ride.
Ginny: What's your name?
Johnny: Johnny, what's yours?
Ginny: Ginny.
Johnny: That's a pretty name.
Johnny: Mr Bluebird's on my shoulder.
It's the truth, it's actual. Everything is satisfactual.
Johnny: Zip-a-dee-doo-da,
zip-a-dee-ay, wonderful feeling, wonderful day.
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