Johnny: Where'd he go, mama?
Sally: I don't know, son.
Johnny: But why'd he leave? Why?
Sally: I'm afraid mother's to blame.
Toby: Miss Sally! Unc' Remus goin'
away! He's gettin' in de wagon!
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Wait!
Uncle Remus!
Sally: Johnny!
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Come Back.
Johnny: Wait, Uncle Remus!
Sally: Oh Johnny.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: He made all the stars
and the moon and the sun.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: He number the sparrows
and the birds everyone.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: My Savior!
Chorus: All I want...
All I want... All I want...
Chorus: is more and more
faith in him.
Solo: My Savior!
Chorus: All I want, all I want...
John: Toby, what is it?
Toby: It's Johnny, sir.
He got hurt by dat bull.
Tempy: Mister John!
John: How is he?
Tempy: Well, he's out o' his head,
suh, and' talkin' like his li'l heart's
Tempy: 'bout to break. You see,
Mister John, he was cuttin'
Tempy: through de bull pasture... trying
to stop Uncle Remus from goin' away.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: Angel have mercy
on this little chil'
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Solo: He's only been here
such a mighty li'l while.
Chorus: More and more
faith in him.
Sally: Son, daddy's here.
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Come back,
Uncle Remus! Come back!
John: Johnny!
Johnny: Uncle Remus... Please.
Doshy: Uncle Remus!
Remus: De smoke was comin' outta
de chimney, an de light from
Remus: de lamps was ashinin' soft.
Inside de house, de kittle was singin'
Remus: over de fire. On the hearth
de cricket was a jiggin' to de tune.
Remus: Yes suh, things was mighty
satisfactual. 'Cause Brer Rabbit
Remus: done come back to his
laughing place wid de folks
Remus: all 'round him
what b'longs dar.
Johnny: Uncle Remus!
Remus: An' dat night, he was
de happiest Brer Rabbit.
Remus: An' dat was de laughin'est
place in de whole wide worl'.
Johnny: Daddy.
Mama! Daddy's here! Mama!
John: She's right here, sone
Sally: Yes, darling. It's all right.
Johnny: Mama!
Make him stay, please!
John: There now, sone.
I'm not going anywhere.
John: I'm going to stay right here,
where I belong.
Johnny: Honest?
John: Honest. And we'll have
John: more fun than...
than Brer Rabbit hisse'f.
Sally: And we'll have the laughin'est
place in the whole wide world.
John: An' dat's de trufe!
Remus: Miss Doshy, things are lookin'
mighty satisfactual. Mighty satisfactual.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
My oh my, what a wonderful day.
Plenty of sunshine, headin' my way.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
Johnny: Mr. Bluebird's on my
shoulder. It's the truth, It's actual.
Jonnny: Everything is satisfactual.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day.
Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
My oh my, what a wonderful day.
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way...
Rabbit: Howdy do, how do you do.
Three children: Oh, hello there Brer
Rabbit. Hi there, Brer Rabbit.
Rabbit: Yes sir, this here's one of
them zip-a-dee-do-dah days.
Rabbit: For sho'. Zip, zip, zip, zip,
zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-ay.
Children: My oh my, what a wonderful
day, plenty of sunshine headin' my way.
Children: Zip-a-dee-do-dah,
Johnny: Mr. Bluebird's on my
Remus: It's de truth. It's actual.
Everything is satisfactual.
Children: Zip-a-dee-do-dah
Children: My oh my, what a
wonderful day.
Children: Plenty of sunshine, headin'
my way, wonderful feeling, wondeful day.
Frog: Zip-a-
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