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Главная / Песня Юга

Песня Юга

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Bear: I wanna see dat laughing place.

Rabbit: Boy am I in luck.
Rabbit: I think about my laughing
place and yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.
Fox: That rabbit's just trying to...
Rabbit: Take that frown, turn it upside down
And you'll find yours, I know, ho ho.
Rabbit: Boy am I in luck.
Bear: I think about my laughing place...
Bear: Yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.
Rabbit: Everybody's got a laughing place,
Bear: A laughing place to go, ho ho.
Rabbit: Take that frown, turn it upside down
And you'll find yours, I know, ho ho.
Fox: Now look here Brer Bear,
this has gone far enough, I...
Fox: Now look here Brer Bear,
this has gone far enough.
Fox: I ain't goin' one more step.
Bear: But I wanna.
Fox: Not one mo' step.
Bear: But I wanna.
Fox: This is just one o' his tricks.
Fox: That rabbint's just making a
fool out of you, you fool.
Bear: He is?
Fox: Co'se he is.
Fox: There ain't no such thing
as a laughing place.
Bear: Dere ain't?
Fox: Co'se not.
Fox: Come on now, we'll
go and have some...
Rabbit: Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. There it is.
Bear: Huh?
Rabbit: There is the laughing place.
Bear: Where?
Rabbit: Right through there.
Fox: That rabbit's trying to fool...
Bear: Me first.

Bear: Dey ain't nothing' in
here 'cept bees.
Fox: You sho' done made a fool
out of yo'se'f this time.
Fox: Yes suh, you sho made
a fool outa yo'sef.
Fox: I ain't never see'd nobody
look dat silly befo'.
Fox: You know what Brer...
Bear: Now look, you said dis
was a laughin' place...
Bear: An I ain't laughing.
Rabbit: I didn't say it
was you laughin' place.
Rabbit: I said it was my laughin'
place Brer Bear.

Johnny: I wish I had a lughin' place.
Ginny: Me too.
Remus: What makes you think you
ain't? Co'se you got a laughin' place.
Johnny: Really, Uncle Remus?
Ginny: Really?
Remus: Ev'ybody's got one! The
trouble is, mos' folks won't
Remus: take the time to go look for it.
Johnny & Ginny: Where's mine?
Remus: Well now, dat I can't 'zakly
say. 'Cause where 'tis for one,
Remus: Mightn't be where
'tis for another.
Johnny: Come on Ginny!
Let's start lookin.
Sally: Johnny! Johnny!
Where have you been?
Johnny: Well, you...
Sally: Look at your clothes!
Sally: What in the world have you
been doing? The party's all over, dear.
Sally: And you weren't even there
to tell your guests goodbye.
Johnny: Well, you...
Ginny: Uncle Remus told us a story!
Ginny: 'Bout Brer Rabbit. You got
a laughin' place ma'am?
Ginny: Uncle Remus says eve'ybody's
got one. Pleased to meetcha.
Remus: I sho is sorry, Miss Sally.
Sally: No, it's my fault.
Sally: I should have known you
couldn't stop telling your stories.
Sally: I don't like to say this Uncle
Remus, but from now on
Sally: I want you to stay away
from Johnny, you understand?
Sally: Completely away.
Remus: Yassum.
 Chorus: Let the rain pour down,
let the cold win' blow
 Chrous: Gonna stay right here,
In the home I know.
 Chorus: When your achin' with
the misery, when your old and grey,
 Chorus: Let you stay to see de chillun,
playin' 'round yo door.
Remus: Oh, I knows... I knows...
I'm jes' a wo' out ol' man what
Remus: don't do nuthin' but tell
stories. But dey ain't never done
Remus: no harm to nobody. An'
if dey don't do no good,
Remus: how come dey las' so long?
Remus: Dishyer's de only home I knows.
Was goin' ter whitewash de walls, too,
Remus: but not now.
Time done run out.
Toby: Unc' Remus! Is Johnny...
Unc' Remus, what you doin'?
Remus: I'se goin' away, to Atlanta
Ginny: You shore I've got a
laughing place?
Johnny: Course! Didn't Uncle
Remus say so?
Ginny: Look!
Johnny: Aww, that's just your house.
Ginny: But paw's home! I'm gonna
tell 'im 'bout Brer Rabbit!
Ginny: He'll laugh like anything.
Johnny: Uncle Remus! Uncle Remus!
Uncle Remus, I've found it!
Johnny: My laughing place!
It's right here...
Johnny: Mama! He's gone!
Uncle Remus is
Песня Юга Песня Юга

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