Play games, an'...get presents.
Ginny: Do i get a present?
Johnny: Sure -- Everybody
does. Course, I get the most.
Jake: I get the most.
Ginny: Go on home.
Jake: Go on home.
Ginny: I'll tell maw.
Jake: I'll tell maw.
Johnny: Don't pay any
attention to them, Ginny.
Joe: Don't pay any
'tenshun to 'em, Ginny!
Ginny: Quit it!
Joe: Pretty strings.
Ginny: You stop it.
Ginny: Now look what you've done!
Ginny: You've spoiled everything!
Jake: Ouch! Don't! Stop!
Jake: Make him leggo! Make him leggo!
Jake: Make him leggo! Joe, get him off!
Johnny: I'll fix you.
Jake: Pull him off, Joe! Get him off!
Johnny: I'll fix you!
Jake: Ouch! Don't! Stop!
Jake: Make him leggo! Make him leggo!
Remus: Aw right, get off him!
Remus: Come on, son! Get off 'im!
Get off 'im! Now you git 'long -- An'
Remus: don't lemme ketch you pesterin'
'roun' dese chillun no mo'! An' ah means it.
Johnny: Ginny!
Johnny: Ginny...
Johnny: Gee, ginny! Please don't cry!
Johnny: We can still go to
the party... if you wanta.
Johnny: I'll clean off your dress.
Ginny: You're just makin' it worse.
Johnny: It wasn't much
of an ol' party anyway.
Johnny: I know what! I'll tell you a story 'bout brer
rabbit! Now let me see -- 'Bout this here brer rabbit...
Johnny: ...he was the most bodacious
critter in the whole world. Anyway...
Johnny: critters was
all havin' a big party...
Johnny: Please, don't ginny! Please.
Remus: Bless my soul! What's dis?
Johnny: Ginny can't go to the party.
Remus: Oh, dat's a shame! It sho' is.
Remus: But don't you cry honey.
Ol' Uncle Remus'll take care of you.
Remus: You better run along and
find Sis Tempy to clean you up
Remus: befo' yo' maw sees you.
Johnny: Uncle Remus, I don't wanta go.
Remus: Co'se you do.
Remus: Miss Sally's gone to a heap
o' trouble wid dis party.
Johnny: I know, but daddy didn't come,
and Ginny's all ldirty. Please, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Move over, honey.
I'se got troubles too.
Remus: Co'se I'se had troubles befo'.
But dey ain't none of us ever had
Remus: troubles like po' li'l Brer Rabbit.
I 'members one time he had mo' troubles
Remus: den all three of us
rolled into one.
Remus: Yas suh, dere he was...
way down in Brer Fox's cave.
Remus: An' it look like his time done
run out, fo' sho.
Remus: Cause Brer Rabbit, he done
used up his whole bag o' tricks.
Fox: You done played your last
trick on me, Brer Rabbit.
Fox: You sho have, yes sir. You've
played your last trick on me.
Fox: Here, hold that knot, you sho look
mighty good in that bow-tie, Brer Rabbit.
Fox: Yes sir, you looks mighty
good in that bow-tie.
Fox: Don't he look good in that
bow-tie Brer Bear?
Fox: I ain't never seen nobody
dressed with a bow-tie befo'.
Fox: He's all dressed up for dinna.
Bear: Yea, for dinner.
Fox: Yes sir, he's really dressed
up for dinner. Fo my dinner.
Fox: Cause I'se gonna barbeque
you dis very minute, on dat fire.
Rabbit: Ain't dat terrible.
Fox: Now wait a minute.
Wait jes' a minute, Brer Rabbit.
Fox: Maybe I better
'splain something to you.
Fox: I said, I'se gonna roast
you... on dat fire! Now!
Fox: Is dat somethin' to
laugh about?
Rabbit: I can't help laughing, Brer Fox.
I'se just been to my lauging place.
Rabbit: An everytime I starts thinkin'
about my laughing place, I can't help.
Bear: What's a...
Rabbit: Yeah, Brer Bear?
Bear: Wa... what's a
laughing place?
Rabbit: Oh, dat just a secret
place I knows about.
Fox: You keep out of this Brer Bear.
It's another one o' his tricks.
Fox: Dat rabbit just trying...
Bear: Da... where is
this laughing place at?
Rabbit: How can I show you
where it is when I'se all
Rabbit: tied up like this?
Bear: Well, uh... I'll untie you.
Fox: You keep your big paws off.
Bear: But uh... But uh...
Fox: He's mine and
I'm gonna roast him.
Fox: Right now, right over this
fire. I'm gonna...
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