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Главная / Песня Юга

Песня Юга

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didn't hear any more for awhile.
Remus: Well, Miss Sally,
de stories ain't done no....
Sally: They only confuse him. Now I know you
mean well, Uncle Remus, but Johnny's too young.
Remus: Miss Sally.....
Sally: I'll have to ask you
not to tell him any more.
Remus: Yassum, Miss Sally......
Sally: But what else could I have done, mama? I
can't just overlook it, he has to learn to mind.
Doshy: That's very true, but without
Uncle Remus and his stories,
Doshy: the child will be utterly desolate.
He needs something to hold on to.
Sally: Well, he has his
mother....and his grandmother.
Doshy: We're not enough, sally. The boy must have
friends. And if it's not Uncle Remus, or the Favers
Doshy: children, then it must be someone else....
someone of his own age. That's just good common sense.
Tempy: What you trackin' through here for anyway?
Ain't I done tol' you 'bout messin' 'roun' my kitchen?
Sally: Johnny!
Johnny: Yes, mama.
Sally: Do you know what next tuesday is?
Johnny: Uh...of course. My birthday.
Sally: That's right, dear.
And what happens then?
Johnny: I get presents.
Sally: And a birthday
party. Would you like that?
Johnny: A party? Sure!
Sally: With lots of nice
little boys and girls.
Johnny: Can i ask Ginny?
Sally: Well, there'll be so
many other children, dear...
Doshy: ...That one more
won't make any difference.
Johnny: Gee! Thanks! Will daddy come?
Sally: Well, dear...uh...I'll
write and ask him.
Johnny: Oh boy.
Johnny: Teenchy! Here Teenchy!
Johnny: Teenchy! Here Teenchy!
Teenchy! Where are you?
Johnny: Uncle Remus? A present
for Teenchy! Where's Teenchy?
Remus: He's gone.
Johnny: Gone? Then we gotta find him. Sump'n
might happen to him... if he runs around loose.
Remus: He ain't runnin' 'roun' loose.
Johnny: Then, where is he?
Remus: He's back at de Favers. Dat's
what he b'longs an' you knows it.
Johnny: But teenchy's
my dog. He's mine.
Johnny: Ginny gave him
to me, and you said...
Remus: Nemmine what I said! Yo' maw
tol' you to take dat dawg back whar he
Remus: come from an' you ain't done it.
She don't like dat, an' I don't blame her.
Johnny: But he wasn't
botherin' anybody.
Remus: She yo' maw an' she
know what's bes' for you!
Johnny: But...but...I...I love him. He...he
loves me. You should'na done it, Uncle Remus.
Johnny: Jake'll drown
him! I know he will.
Remus: Ain't no use o' you carryin'
on. Puppy's gone an' dat's dat.
Johnny: You don't even care! Teenchy's
gone...and you don't care at all.
Remus: Don't make no difference
whether I does or whether I
Remus: don't. I'm jes a wo' out ol'
man what ain't no good to nobody.
Johnny: But uncle remus,
you're...the best friend i have.
Remus: Mebbe so, but i'm dat pestered I
don't know whether i'm end-upperds or
Remus: end-downerds. But I does know dis...
I ain't goin' ter be tellin' you no mo' stories.
Children: Chick-a-ma, chick-a-ma,
craney crow! I went to the well to wash
Childern: my toe! When I got there, the well
was bare! What time is it, old witch!
Ginny: Hurry, maw, hurry!
Maw Favers: I'm doin' the best I can.
Ginny: Please, maw!
The party'll be over.
Maw Favers: If you don't quit bobbin' up
and down I'll never get this collar on.
Ginny: I'm just doin' like you told me.
Maw Favers: Well, don't forgit
what you says when you does it.
Ginny:Pleased to meetcha!
Maw Favers: That's the girl. Now you
looks pretty enough to go anywheres.
Johnny: Ginny! Come on...we're late.
Maw Favers: Ginny! Don't
forgit your manners.
Ginny: Pleased to meetcha!
Joe: Pleased to meetcha!
Johnny: Gee, I thought
you were never comin'.
Ginny: Paw didn't get home with the thread, an'
maw had an awful time finishing my dress. Like it?
Johnny: It's real pretty.
Ginny: It's bran' new. It was maw's
weddin' dress. Are we gonna have cake?
Johnny: Course! They're eatin' it
right now. But there'll be plenty left.
Ginny: What do you do at a
party -- 'Sides have cake?
Johnny: Oh, lots of
Песня Юга Песня Юга

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