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Песня Юга

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as yo're born.
Jake: Jis' kaze ol' Remus take yore side
don't mean we ain't gonna git Teenchy.
Jake: You wait an' see!
Joe: We're gonna tell on you.
Jake: Yeah! Gonna tell Tempy.
Jake: ...or maybe your grandmaw...
or maybe even your maw.
Johnny: Go ahead! I don't care!
You can tell aunt Tempy....
Johnny: ...you can tell grandmaw,
you can even tell my mama.
Johnny: ...but whatever you do...
don't tell your maw.
Jake: Why not?
Johnny: Just don't you tell her,
that's all! If you do, it'll be awful!
Toby: Ain't dat what Brer Rabbit did to Brer Fox?
Johnny: sh-sh! Bein' little...an' without much strength,
we s'posed to use our heads instead of our foots.
Maw Favers: Now i don't
wanta hear no more 'bout it.
Maw Favers: that's Ginny's dawg....an if she
wants to give it away, 'tain't none o' yo' business.
Jake: I'll get even with that Johnny!
He'll find out! Think's he so smart.
Joe: 'Twarn't his fault.
He told us not to tell our maw.
Jake: Yeah! 'Cause that's
jis' what he wanted us to do.
Tempy: Sooner or later, yer gonna be comin' aroun',
I betcha, I betcha that I getcha, you wait and see...
Tempy: Sooner or later your gonna
be hangin' aroun'... I betcha...
Tempy: I betcha if I catch ya' you'll hear from me.
Your gonna knock at my door...you done it befo'...
Tempy: Matter of factly, I don't know exactly when,
but sooner or later you're gonna be hanging aroun',
Tempy: and want my cookin' again.
Your gonna knock on my door, you don' it befo'
Tempy: Matter of factly I 'spected you zackly then,
cuz sooner or later I know you'll be hangingn aroun',
Tempy: and want my cookin' again.
But you ain't gonna get it.
Tempy: Al'ays manage to come callin' on bakin' day,
and totin' in three or four measley
Tempy: little piece of fire wood. Humph!
Some folks does de work, while others jest visits.
Tempy: Sit around whiddlin' and tellin' stories...
like Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit.
Tempy:  Stick his nose in dish here
kitchen and we have Brer Rabbit stew.
Remus: Sis Tempy, I said it befo', I says it now
and I says it again' there never was a better cook
Remus: in these here parts nor nowhere else.
Tempy: Humph! Ya ain't pullin' no
wool over my eyes. Here!
Chloe: What you all doin' 'roun' here, anyhow?
Jake: We wants to see Miss Sally.
Joe: Yeah.
Chloe: What you want to see her about.
Jake: 'Bout our dog.
Joe: Yeah.
Remus: Why, 'tain't dey dawg.
It's Johnny's.
Tempy: No 'tain't.
Remus: What's dat?
Tempy: When he brung it here, Miss Sally tol' him
to take it right straight back what he got it.
Remus: Why dat li'l scamp.
Remus: Where you goin'?
Chloe: To git Miss Sally.
Remus: Uh...oh.
Remus: Ain't i done tol' you to stop pesterin'
folks 'bout dat mangy ol' puppy?
Remus: Now go on home. Go on,
befo' i gits fractious!
Jake: We ain't goin' 'til we sees Miss Sally.
Joe: Yeah.
Remus: Miss Sally ain't got no
time to be bothered wid you.
Remus: An' she don't wanter hear no
talk about dat dawg, neither.
Sally: What's this all about?
Jake: Johnny's got our dawg
-- An' we we wants it back!
Sally: Your dog? You don't
mean that little puppy?
Jake: Yassum. Johnny took it down to
ol' Remus's so's you wouldn't know.
Sally: Is that right, uncle remus?
Remus: Well, you see
miss sally, I had..
Sally: I see. Uncle remus'll get your
dog back to you. Now run along, please.
Joe: You gonna whup johnny?
Jake: Ya oughta!
Jake: Johnny said he didn't
care if we told you....
Jake: ...bute not to tell our maw.
Joe: and when we told her,
she giv'd us a whuppin'.
Remus:  Lawzy, Miss
Sally, Johnny didn't mean no harm.
Remus: He was jes' trying to be like
Brer Rabbit. I tol' him a tale 'bout de
Remus: tar baby an' he just got a li'l bit too
bodacious, and outreached hisse'f, dat's all.
Sally: Uncle Remus, i'm trying my best to bring up
Johnny to be obedient and truthful. But you and your
Sally: stories are making that very difficult. I think maybe
it would be better if he
Песня Юга Песня Юга

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