education, and now he wants to emigrate to Israel, to give his knowledge to our imperialistic enemies, to the enemies of the all progressive humankind! Comrades, I think we should petition the authorities not to allow this! Greenberg's place is not Israel, it's prison! What do you think about that? You, Tolik Gurov! You used to be his friend! Come up here! Tell us what you think! This is true. Sasha was my friend... I am sorry... Who could have known? Who could have guessed? I will try to not have friends again... I mean, such friends. This is better, with the water. In case it's bugged. You're not mad at me, are you? He just left me no choice. It doesn't matter what I say. You're leaving anyway. I'm the one who has to stay here... Maybe I should leave too? What do you think? Just because Galileo publicly denied his beliefs, the Earth did not stop orbiting the Sun. It is all, like Hamlet said, words, words, words. Thanks. For what? For being the only one to not say anything. Was I? Yes. It's alright. It's just a ritual, anyway. No one really thinks like that. Yeah. Right. Want to come over? I have some vodka... OK? Let's go. No shame! No shame at all! Now they're bringing men to the rooms... Oh, wait till I call the police. Don't pay any attention. She's totally harmless. You know, I was in love with you our freshmen year. I suspected it. Why didn't you say something? Everybody was in love with you. Swarms of Casanovas... I was too shy. Shall we drink to your departure, yeah? It's a little strange - everybody wanted to be with you and you're still not married. Yeah, I'm too picky. Why aren't you married? I guess I'm too picky also. To the picky ones. You may stay here, if you want. It's hard to believe you're leaving us. We'll never see each other again. "Never". Never-never-never-never It's a strange word...Never. It's not definite yet. I'm the first PhD physicist to apply for emigration. They may not let me out. Oh, you will leave. And a good thing too. You'll be happy there... Just don't try being noble right now and asking me to marry you so we could leave together. My life's already planned out. I'll never make a good wife, I'm afraid. I can't serve astrophysics and a man too at the same time. I would like to have a baby, though... and I think sometimes: what if I pick one of you guys, one of the best, and get pregnant. I would hide it from the father, of course. It's easier to care for a child without having to care for a man too, huh? So, there is theory in your solitude. Well, then, in mine too. I have thought of leaving many times, I just couldn't figure out how. I've thought of defecting even. What would I do with a wife? It's just pure luck for me that emigration started when it did... What? Oh, are you afraid I'm going to try and get pregnant right now? Don't worry. Not tonight. Do you like her? She is my daughter. You see, I did it. I had a child and I raised her without a husband. I had this certain plan. Sasha knew about it. Doesn't her father know he has a daughter? I didn't tell him. And her? I didn't tell her either. Once, when she got especially persistent, I told her she couldn't meet him anyway. She wanted to know why. I said, "because he is an American". She got stuck on the idea, she tells everyone her father is an American, she speaks to everybody in English... So it goes. Is he actually American? In a way. Let me introduce you two. Sasha, Jill, this is Elena. Elena, as you know, Sasha is my old friend. Mom has told me lots about you. And not just Mom. You're sort of a legend around here. To my surprise, I am discovering this for myself. As well as some other things. Why did you name her Elena? Why not? I see you've met my namesake. We've become quite good friends in the past few days. I don't have any friends! I'm sorry. Don't take it personally. I really ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Злодей на английском - текст Превратности судьбы на английском - текст Тайна на английском - текст Никто не идеален на английском - текст Чайка по имени Джонатан Ливингстон на английском |