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Kids my own age! What a joke!
Professor, you're a wise man.
Tell me, why is it all so awful?
Why is everybody so mean?
Whenever I tell someone I want
to go to America, they tell
"it's no better over there"!
Like they want to leave you
nothing to hope for.
In Chekhov's play, the three sisters
want to get away from the boonies,
they keep saying "we want to go
to Moscow",
and in the whole play there's no
villain mean enough to tell them
"it sucks there too".
Happiness is not found in Moscow
or New York. It's here.
You just need time to find it.
Have you?
I have.
Want to go see the old church?
What's the matter?
My mother's interest in
architecture is amazing!
She has just invited Greenberg
to see an old church!
A church! What church?
Where is it?
That's right! There's a famous
old church near here.
Let's all go see it together!
Many years past since this
glorious morning in Moscow,
but I still remember it as it
happened only yesterday.
You seem troubled, my man. What
have you to be troubled about?
Master, life has somehow lost
much of its luster.
It's called a mid-life crisis.
It's much similar to adolescence.
It's a troubled time. Difficult.
But It will pass. You'll get
over it. Everyone does.
I feel like my mid-life crisis
is also happening to Russia,
to America, to the whole human
And if you believe the theory that
man is a reflection of the Universe,
than, it's also happening to the
I don't understand this world,
this life.
There's a story, of a woman who
asked Thomas Alva Edison to
explain electricity
because she did not understand
He answered, that he didn't
understand it either and told
her to "Just use it!"
Here it is called "perestroika"
- the restructuring.
Although some people seem to think
it's a complete collapse, an end.
If you look at the film Jill is
making you'd think the whole
planet was doomed for sure.
You tell me it's only a phase,
that I'm going through a
"restructuring" of my own,
but I feel like my life is
Adolescents feel that way. Some
of them even go so far as to
actually commit suicide.
But there are few of those.
Most restructure and survive.
Look at Elena. How she suffers!
That's also a "perestroika", of sorts.
And it's not so bad. It's, in
fact, what makes her so attractive.
To you, for example.
Master, I am old enough to be
her father!
So what?
Why do you tell me all this?
To ease your conscience about
your attraction to Elena.
It's not so easy! It's quite possible,
you know, that she is my daughter.
No, she is not.
What makes you so sure?
Because she is my daughter.
My loss, your luck.
Enjoying the architecture?
There is something interesting I
can show you, even my mother
doesn't know about it.
Interested? Let's go.
I come up here a lot. At dawn.
Alone. I like to be alone.
You know, Professor Gross told
me that happiness must be found
within oneself. Do you agree?
I guess.
Did you find it?
I'm afraid not.
Why not?
I don't know.
Maybe it's my fault.
Sometimes it's like some outer
force prevents it:
how can I be happy when the
world's gone mad and everything
around me is collapsing.
Is it the people? Why they don't
want to understand? Why they
don't want to hear?
They don't hear. Not you, not
each other. Not themselves.
Nobody listens. But we can make
them hear!
Come on! Help me! You said you
heard me!
Subtitles by LeapinLar

Читайте также:
- текст Новичок на английском
- текст Зелёный слоник на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Поколения на английском
- текст Берегись автомобиля на английском
- текст Ловец снов на английском

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