times. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): When I left Moscow 17 years before this moment I had no inkling or even hope that I would come back here for a visit. Back then for the first time in decades, a door had been cracked open in the Soviet Union's Iron Curtain. Of all the soviet citizens some Jews were allowed to leave the country to supposedly to unite with their families in Israel. And everybody knew if you were lucky and could leave, you'd become "an emigrant" to those left behind. Officially this word sounded like "An enemy of Russia". You would never be able to see your birthplace and your friends again. But recently, under "Perestroika" (Restructuring) my friends were permitted again to consider me their friend. (PHONE RINGS) Hello. It's for you. You've been traced, already. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): The following day consisted of three dinners and four suppers. Everybody wanted to see the man returned from beyond. From where no one they knew had ever returned before. They wanted to see but strangely enough not to hear. They were no longer interested in the outside world. Too many things were happening in their own. They just elected the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin and said good-bye to the father of "Perestroika" the president of disintegrated USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. Did you vote for Yeltsin? Yes... How could you?! Just wait till you've made him a dictator, he'll show you. You have a better alternative? You fear there may be a civil war. Well, it's already here. Gorbachev was the greatest leader of our time! Look at what he's done in Eastern Europe! Gorbachev is the same as the rest, only weaker! He couldn't revive the economy, he couldn't give freedom to the republics! Gorbachev is a man of compromise, a politician without principle. He cannot be trusted. I don't know why Americans are so fond of him! Americans consider compromise a virtue. Anyway imagine if Gorbachev went ahead with his reforms without compromise, and we'd have chaos. It seems to me we are on the verge of a collapse. Perestroika is dead! Perestroika has just begun. Perestroika never had a chance. No one knows how to work anymore. Lazy, spoiled slaves, all of them! Master. All day I waited for your call - it never came. Tried calling - No answer. If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, Mohammed will come to the mountain. Give me a hug. Ahh. What's this? (PHONE RINGS) Couldn't we just unplug it? No, you're not in America. Telephones do not unplug here. That would create too much difficulty for those listening in. So, disciple? Do you think you've won our argument? Do you think the time has come for the rats to return from "unexplored space"? They certainly think so and they get so exited. A human person has broken an "iron curtain" twice. Fourth and back! This is an event. And, it is morning, and it is officially your birthday. Congratulations. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): Gross was not your average Soviet physicist. He had come from America. He had participated in the creation of the nuclear bomb. America dropped this bomb on the Japanese. It was the age of McCarthyism Gross did not wish to serve the imperialist war mongers. In 1948 he escaped to a "free country" - the Soviet Union. The "free country" at that time had twenty million of its citizens imprisoned in labor camps. Gross managed to avoid the labor camp only because the "free country" desperately needed those who knew how to build bombs. Of course, physicists did not defect from the Soviet Union. The borders of the "free country" were well guarded. After six months in the Soviet Union, Gross married his housekeeper - a virtually illiterate country woman. His colleagues were shocked by the marriage. But Gross lived with her for many years and always seemed perfectly satisfied with the union. Good coffee demands precise preparation. If, for example, you grind it ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Патруль времени на английском - текст Мой ласковый и нежный зверь на английском - текст Просто кровь на английском - текст Джо против Вулкана на английском - текст Бетховен 3 на английском |