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out to the
new developments.
The building's not the same,
All the walls have been moved
I can't even show you your old apartment
- it doesn't exist anymore.
I am the only one who could get
a place here after they renovated.
And that, um, only because it was mainly
my efforts that saved the building.
You must be pretty powerful to
be able to save buildings.
Don't you know? I'm a writer.
Pretty famous too, in a way.
Where do you live, What do you do?
I live in America. I'm in
cosmology -
that's a science about how the
Universe works.
Interesting stuff! Do you want
to come in for a while?
We can talk, have a drink over
old times.
I really don't think so.
We're on a very tight schedule.
We have to meet someone in a
half hour.
Krymsky. At his church. Then
Sasha has to give his report.
Krymsky, the millionaire? I know
him a little. If you don't mind,
I'd like to join you.
Morning. Hello.
Hello. Good morning.
Ah, my worst enemy!
Good of you to join us!
What brings you here?
I've long been curious to see what
you do here. You have an objection?
Not at all! Welcome, welcome.
Any tongue-lashing by your magazine
is just free publicity for us.
You see, he calls me his worst enemy!
And he's not far from the truth.
Why, of course, I am.
Look! He's turned God's house into
a honky-tonk, for Christ's sake!
You people want me to be happy
about it?
Would you prefer if it were
still a warehouse for boots?
I didn't turn it into a
I would prefer it to still be a
house of God.
Him and his lot, you wait,
they'll be calling me a
reactionary and an anti-Semite.
Well, if you want, I am a
Now they're poisoning our youth
with this rock'n'roll crap.
By "they" you mean Jews, of
You see, what did I tell you?
You know, there are Jews and
there are Jews.
I have friends who are Jews.
A profiteer like him, who's
why, he's just as revolting to
me as a Jew profiteer.
Anyway, nobody can deny that
there's a disproportionately
large amount of Jews
in this new "private sector". Just
as there was in the revolution.
And just who do you think made
warehouses out of churches?
Jews are so overly sensitive to
At Nuremberg they tried such
critics! Understand?
Yes, no doubt Russia of 1992
was drastically different from
Russia prior to Perestroika.
In the churches boot warehouses
were replaced with
freedom-loving rock singers,
and Krimsky was running business
activities which in the Russia I left
were punishable by years of
imprisonment or even execution
by firing squads.
So, what does your company
really do?
Are you a scientific research facility,
a film studio, or a rock theatre?
It's like a daisy flower
- in the center is the main enterprise
from which sprout separate
ventures and petals.
Our major petal I'll be showing
you tomorrow.
Site seeing tours of Moscow on
"troikas" with gypsies.
"Troikas"? What's "troikas"?
They're carriages drawn by three
horses together.
Very Russian.
Very Russian.
They're waiting for us in the editing
room, ready to start, I believe.
And now we were going to see footage,
that not long ago was banned
from any screening at all.
So why didn't all these changes
in Russia thrill me?
This is just raw footage.
I understand you're gathering footage
like that from all over the world.
I'll comment as we go along.
Every year Soviet factories release
over sixty million tons of pollutants.
In sixty-eight different
industrial centers,
the air pollution level exceeds
the norm by 100 times.
Twenty percent of Soviet citizens
live in ecologically critical areas
and another thirty five to forty
percent in areas "ecologically unsafe".
This is about 175 million people
- approximately eight times the
population of Canada.
The Black sea is overloaded with
Every year they dump 30 tons of
mercury in there,
not to mention about dozens of
other poisons.
Перестройка Перестройка

Читайте также:
- текст Малыш и Карлсон на английском
- текст Где же мечты юности? на английском
- текст Гарфилд: История двух кошечек на английском
- текст Преступление и наказание на английском
- текст Женя, Женечка и Катюша на английском

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