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And if you believe the theory that
man is a reflection of the Universe,
than, it's also happening to the
I don't understand this world,
this life.
There's a story, of a woman who
asked Thomas Alva Edison to
explain electricity
because she did not understand
He answered, that he didn't
understand it either and told
her to "Just use it!"
Here it is called "perestroika"
- the restructuring.
Although some people seem to think
it's a complete collapse, an end.
If you look at the film Jill is
making you'd think the whole
planet was doomed for sure.
You tell me it's only a phase,
that I'm going through a
"restructuring" of my own,
but I feel like my life is
Adolescents feel that way. Some
of them even go so far as to
actually commit suicide.
But there are few of those.
Most restructure and survive.
Look at Elena. How she suffers!
That's also a "perestroika", of sorts.
And it's not so bad. It's, in
fact, what makes her so attractive.
To you, for example.
Master, I am old enough to be
her father!
So what?
Why do you tell me all this?
To ease your conscience about
your attraction to Elena.
It's not so easy! It's quite possible,
you know, that she is my daughter.
No, she is not.
What makes you so sure?
Because she is my daughter.
My loss, your luck.
Enjoying the architecture?
There is something interesting I
can show you, even my mother
doesn't know about it.
Interested? Let's go.
I come up here a lot. At dawn.
Alone. I like to be alone.
You know, Professor Gross told
me that happiness must be found
within oneself. Do you agree?
I guess.
Did you find it?
I'm afraid not.
Why not?
I don't know.
Maybe it's my fault.
Sometimes it's like some outer
force prevents it:
how can I be happy when the
world's gone mad and everything
around me is collapsing.
Is it the people? Why they don't
want to understand? Why they
don't want to hear?
They don't hear. Not you, not
each other. Not themselves.
Nobody listens. But we can make
them hear!
Come on! Help me! You said you
heard me!
Subtitles by LeapinLarTime and space are not
In the life of every
civilization, every country,
every nation and every person
there are special places and
special points of time -
unusually important, crucial
In my life this special moment,
which I'll never forget,
happened in Moscow, Russia, in
the spring of 1992,
right after the fall of
I came back to my native town after
17 years of forced separation.
Moscow was in turmoil, so was I.
Allow me to introduce myself:
Alexander Greenberg.
That spring I was turning 50 -
time to gather stones.
And it just so happened that at
an International Congress on the
"structure of the universe"
was taking place in Moscow at
the moment.
I am an astrophysicist, so are
most of the people important for me.
My entire tiny little world was
getting together in the city of
my youth.
So I've decided to come to the
city to face my past
and to reevaluate my life.
At the point it seemed to be a
sound idea.
I was eager to reevaluate.
Reevaluate everything.
Not only my own life but also
life of all the other beings
populating our planet.
After lunch we will begin our
regular sessions, but right now,
before we take a break, we would
like to show you a short film.
This film is not a scientific
but it does include some footage
of our space research,
as well as some visual
abstracted from the works of
numerous astrophysicists.
May we have the shades drawn,
Let me introduce to you the main
characters of our story.
That woman who keeps looking my
way is Helen.
She is my wife. Or, if you
prefer, ex-wife.
In any event, she is always
threatening to leave me.
I need a life. I need a real
life before I am too old.
What's so bad about our life?
You call this a life? Right!
And sometimes she does leave,
for a time.
But it
Перестройка Перестройка

Читайте также:
- текст Сердце Ангела на английском
- текст Бабье лето на английском
- текст Хупер на английском
- текст Старухи на английском
- текст Северная сторона на английском

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