to see you. I love that serving a 30-day suspension in the past shit, man. [Laughing] You kill me, bro. - See you around. - Peace. I've got half a dozen cops on psych leave. They're trained to deal with it, Doc. Obviously not very well if I've got half a dozen on psych leave. Damn it, O'Rourke! You are not giving these guys enough turnaround time. We're suspending them in their own reality, ripping them back and forth through time. I just got the results of Casey's CAT scan. That's a cerebral hemorrhage. This is your responsibility to start reigning these guys in! - Give it a rest, Doc. - Give it a rest? All right. This morning, Ryan Chan starts his 30-day suspension. This afternoon, he had Frank Knight arrested, tried and sentenced. - He served his 30 days. - He was gone for three hours. Nowhere in the Oversight Committee's ruling does it say where he has to take his 30 days. He happened to be there when the time crime was being committed. He'd already served his 30 days, so officially he was back on active duty. You're as bad as he is. And you were supposed to check in with me as soon as you got back. You want to have dinner tonight? - I don't date timecops. - I don't date doctors. Boy, you really pushed the envelope on this one, kid. I've had those Society jackasses up my butt all morning. Hanley and Johnson. You know, if they had it their way, they'd have Frank Knight in a cushy cell... with Brandon Miller as we speak. Now they're gonna want another suspension. Don't worry about a thing, kid. I'll take care of it all. You did good. You did damn good. What's the matter with you? I'm feeling like I need a little time away. Good! You deserve it. Couple of days. Take a little vacation. That's not what I mean. I don't think I can do this anymore. What? What are you talking about? I've forgotten why I started doing this in the first place. I mean, what have I got to show for it? Have I actually made the world a better place? Oh, Christ! Are we talking about that Hitler mess again? Killing Miller's old lady? - You did the right thing. - You sure about that? You did your job! You protect the future by preserving the past. You follow orders, even the ones you don't like. You're not little people, Ryan. You're timecop. You've had a million-plus dollars' worth of training. Hell, I trained you myself. You're my go-to guy! So you get your shit together. You forget about Sasha... and Brandon Miller, because that's all over. What do you think you're gonna do out on the street anyway? You've seen too much. Hell, I don't even think you know how to do anything else. - I know I want a life. - Life? Well... You know, your life is in that launch tube down there. You know that, and I know that. [Alarm Beeping] [Female Computer Voice] We have a Time breach in progress. - Scan central states. - Breach point isolated. [Man] - Let's bring 'em home, people. - Right, who and where? It's internal, sir. One of our own. Douglas. June, 1987. - We're bringing him back now. - Yeah? What happened? He was on assignment and decided to pay himself a visit. - Got too close. - I knew something like this would happen. - Not now, Doc. - Why not? You've been allowing them to go back wherever and whenever they choose. - Doc, not now! - [Computer] Initiating re-entry. Holy shit! [Computer] Launch recovery successful. [Groaning] Douglas? Oh, my God. [Groaning Continues] How the hell did this happen without me knowing it? Look. I can't account for every movement made by our agents throughout their lives. What exactly do you do here all day long, Travis? I just launch 'em and retrieve 'em, boss. They're the ones trained to interact with the past. They know that same matter can't occupy the same space at the same time. Oh, shit! Send someone back to stop him before he meets himself. An accelerated launch now! I'm going. - I
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