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Главная / Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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any of your strong-arm bullshit.
- Strong-arm bullshit?
- You've been bringing Miller's
boys in without authority.
If O'Rourke hadn't pulled strings,
you'd be a civilian right now.
Oh. So you think one
of Miller's boys is in town?
If there is, we're bringing him in, and
he'll be tried in Society's court, not TEC's.
Every one of those losers deserved to
be fried, including Brandon Miller.
- But you guys screwed that one up.
- Miller was Society.
Miller was behind every illegal time
jump for the last two years,
and I've been the one stuck
having to chase him down.
Every last one of them.
But that's your problem
now, not mine.
Because fortunately I'm still on
vacation for another... 10 minutes.
And I plan on enjoying it.
Oh, by the way, Johnson,
you're standing in horseshit.
- Good morning, Mr. Carnegie.
- Good morning, Jackson.
Thank you, sir.
[Horse Neighs]
[Police Officer Laughing]
- What in the hell you think you're doin'?
- I'm sorry about that.
Sorry, are ya? I just paid two cents
for that doughnut and coffee.
I said I'm sorry, Officer.
He says he's sorry, boys.
He doesn't look very sorry to me.
Come on. Give me a break.
If you was truly sorry, laddie,
you'd get down on all fours
and you'd eat the doughnut.
[Officers Laughing]
I'll tell you what.
I'll pay for that doughnut.
Nice. See this.
I believe this well-spoken lad is tryin'
to bribe an officer of the law.
Look. I ain't got time for this.
Come on, guys. Hey.
Listen. There's really
no reason to arrest me.
Oh, we ain't gonna arrest you, boyo.
Oh, no. We're just gonna
kick the tar outta ya.
I believe they call this
police brutality.
You bet your ass they do.
No need for violence.
[Grunting Continues]
[Both Gasp]
What in the hell just happened?
- Got it?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Here ya go, take it.
- Yeah. That's it.
What do you plan on doing with all of
Andrew Carnegie's money, Frank?
What are you doing, Ryan?
You guys were right.
One of Miller's boys was in town
after all. See you in 130 years.
Frank Knight, you have been charged
with multiple violations...
of T.E.C. Code 40.8,
subsection nine:
Time travel with intent
to alter the future.
You're also wanted
on an outstanding warrant...
as an accomplice in the murder
of T.E.C. Agent Edwards.
I am a member of the Society
for Historical Authenticity,
and I demand to be brought
before a jury of my peers.
The outstanding murder warrant against
you supercedes the present charges.
You have been found guilty of conspiracy
to commit murder in absentia...
and are hereby sentenced to death.
This is a kangaroo court!
You're the murderers!
- Miller was right!
- [Miller's Voice] Sasha!
You're just like Hitler!
You're just like Hitler!
[Electricity Surging]
Date of execution: May 7, 2025.
There are far too many variables,
Mr. Miller, to theorize...
what might have happened historically
had events played out differently.
I'm not theorizing, Professor Chan.
I'm just saying,
if time travel is possible,
we have a moral obligation to
right the wrongs of the past.
[Professor Chan]
So, are you suggesting that...
if it were possible to change
historic events, we should?
[Voice Echoing]
[Voice Echoing]
Ryan? Where have you been all morning?
I've been looking everywhere for you.
- Just around.
- Yeah?
Well, congratulations on nailing
the rest of Miller's guys.
God, that must've been great
watching Frank Knight fry!
I mean, it only took you two years,
but, hey, who's counting, right?
You okay?
Yeah, sure.
Look at that bad boy.
I will never get over how lucky
we are to ride that thing.
Technology at its finest.
You sure you're okay?
- I'm cool.
- All right.
Well, I'm late for my psych check,
so I'll catch you later.
Way to go, partner.
[Indistinct Voice]
Hey, Ryan.
[Voice Echoing]
O'Rourke wants
Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

Читайте также:
- текст В синем море, белой пене... на английском
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Смертельная Схватка на английском
- текст Увлечения на английском
- текст Друг на английском
- текст Кулл-завоеватель на английском

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