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Главная / Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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wuss, Edwards.
That's funny.
- Huh. Blow me.
- Let's move. We don't got much time.
Not bad. We might actually
pull this thing off.
You still look Chinese to me.
It's Germany, 1940, Edwards.
We all look alike to Nazis.
I sure as hell hope so.
- Danke schцn.
- Bitte schцn.
Show time.
[Classical Waltz]
Tony Banks and Sasha Miller.
Frank Knight?
What's the Society doing here?
Thought you guys
might need help on this one.
See anybody who's not
supposed to be here?
[Speaking German]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking German]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Chattering In German]
[Speaking German]
[Speaking Japanese]
Mein Fьhrer!
I think you should sit this one out.
[Grunts, Groans]
Looks like that seat is taken.
[Speaking German]
- Der Fьhrer...
- [German]
- Miller!
- [Gasps]
I'm glad you're here, Ryan. Because
you of all people will understand.
- Will I?
- Yes.
Forget all the nonsense you've been
told and look at where you are.
Do you realize what we could
accomplish here... together?
- Right now?
- Don't go there, Miller,
'cause it's not gonna happen.
You don't want to stop a madman
from killing 11 million people?
The people you're saving
died over 80 years ago.
Not in this time line,
they didn't.
It's 1940, and they're
still very much alive.
You know it doesn't work that way. You'll
throw the entire future into disarray.
Ryan, please. Come on. That's your
father talking, not you.
Help me undo what never
should've been done.
I know this is hard for you.
You gotta do the right thing.
Miller! No!
[Both Grunting]
Drop the gun, asshole.
No. You drop the gun.
Drop the gun, or
your timeline is over.
Okay. Okay, we're all
on the same team.
- [Grunts]
- [Electricity Surging]
No, no.
Shoot, Sasha! Shoot!
- No!
- [Sasha Gasps]
[Voice Echoing]
It gets harder every time
you go back.
With every jump,
a piece of you gets left behind.
It starts to eat away at you
because you are searching.
Searching for something
that's not there.
Something that was
a part of you.
Something that reality
won't let you have back.
[Watch Ticking]
[Horse Neighing]
I've been holed up in this
cracker box for 30 days now,
doing my time.
I know they're out there
watching my every move,
just waiting,
hoping I'll screw up.
Well, I'm getting tired of it.
A few years ago, the government
decided there was a need...
to verify and preserve
the historical accuracy of time,
in the event
a breach actually occurred.
The truth is they were afraid
they had given T.E.C. too much power.
Wanted to keep us in check.
So they created the Society
for Historical Authenticity.
It was supposed to be strictly
research and observation.
Irony is that they gave Society
way too much power,
and the likes of Brandon Miller was
able to work his way to the top...
something Society
is still trying to put a lid on.
Of course, if I get to one of Brandon
Miller's boys before they do,
it's my collar.
Right, guys?
- All done.
- [Paperboy] Extra! Read all about it!
Read all about it!
President Cleveland signs...
a proclamation of neutrality!
Refuses to show preference
to Cuban insurgents!
Cy Young keeps winning!
Boston Beaneaters
pound Louisville Colonels!
Brooklyn Bridegrooms
whip the New York Giants!
Here, son. Give me a paper.
And there's a nickel for you.
Read all about it!
President Cleveland signs...
proclamation of neutrality!
[Chattering Continues]
[Man Laughing]
That's a good one!
Good morning, boys.
You know, you Society guys really need
to work on your undercover skills.
I've been watching you
for days now.
Cut the shit, Ryan.
What are you doing here?
I just couldn't think of a better
place to serve my 30 days.
- What are you two up to?
- You know damn well what we're up to, Ryan.
We're here to make sure you don't try
Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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