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Главная / Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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- What can I do for you, neighbor?
- I'll need a room for the night.
Well, you come to the right place.
How 'bout a whiskey?
Uh, no, thank you.
Just the room.
If you ain't drinkin',
you ain't stayin'.
Well, I... guess
I'll have a whiskey.
Good idea.
[Clears Throat]
Hey, cowboy.
Buy a girl a drink?
No, thanks.
How 'bout you, stranger?
Buy a pretty little girl a drink.
We don't serve your kind in here.
- What kind's that?
- What kind is that?
Well, I could tell you, Chinaman,
but I might just have to kill you.
So, if I were you, I would
just back out those doors...
before you buy the business end
of Ol' Smokey, here.
Go on. Get outta here.
Jim doesn't mess around. He'd just
as soon kill ya as look at ya.
My name's Rose. You go around the back,
I'll get ya somethin' to drink...
somethin' to eat, if you like.
- Just go on.
- Rose?
[Horse Screams]
Jedediah, get outta that barn
before I'm whoopin' you!
Lord! Where were we, friend?
I need a room for the night.
Name's Anderson. Jason Anderson.
I'm just gonna get the register,
Mr. Anderson, and we'll get you
all fixed up.
You drink up. Come on.
- Jason Anderson.
- Hey!
I told you to clear your
hind quarters outta here,
and generally I do not
give two warnings!
What the hell?
[Screaming, Shouting]
Get down! Get down now!
[Screaming Continues]
Nice, Ryan.
Can't believe this.
It's 1929...
and they're still tryin'
to bust my balls like this.
I want that bastard dead.
You understand me? Dead.
Hi. Would you like a table?
Francis Chan?
No, it's still Francis Anderson.
- For now.
- How sweet.
[Shouting In Chinese]
What the hell, man?
Dude, I am telling you the air opened
up and it flew right into the wall.
Man, it was just...
Yo, man. Watch where
you're going, huh?
Mom? Dad?
That is just so wrong.
Hey! Do I know you?
No. Well, yes.
It's a long story.
Where's Josh?
Uh, he went upstairs
to the bar for drinks.
You stay here.
Josh! Josh Chan!
Josh! Honey, are you okay?
That is him.
That is the dude!
All right, man.
That's enough.
Come and get me.
Up here.
[Young Ryan]
Daddy. Wake up.
Ryan? Can you hear me?
We need to get him to
a treatment room right now.
Doc? I thought you were dead.
Somehow you were able to punch
out before you fell unconscious.
- Ryan, what happened?
- Oh, please, O'Rourke, leave him alone.
Can't you see he's been shot?
He doesn't even know where he is.
- We lost Miller. What happened?
- We had him in 1988, and he just...
Went off the screens. He must be
masking his time wake somehow.
What happened to your eye patch?
Eye patch?
What the hell's wrong with him?
He barely made it back.
We're lucky he's alive.
All right, he needs
medical attention right now.
Well, it's over.
Ryan's my last guy.
- Then we have to send him again.
- Send him where?
We don't know where Miller is.
Besides, look at him.
Even if he survives the launch,
he's so disoriented he wouldn't be
any good to us.
- [Miller] Out of the respect
and love I had for your father,
- No!
I'm giving you a second chance.
- Hey.
- What happened? Where's Miller?
- No one knows.
- I have to find him.
He's going to destroy my family.
- My parents... God,
my parents will be next.
- No.
You're in no condition to help anyone.
You need your strength.
What happened to my watch?
It stopped the bullet.
Saved your life.
What I would give...
to be able to sit
and talk with you,
knowing what I know now.
He killed my father.
- What? How?
- Miller killed my father.
- What are you talking about?
- I know where Miller is.
Wait! No, no, no. Wait. Sit down.
You're not making any sense.
You have to launch me back
before it's
Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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- текст Покаяние на английском

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