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Главная / Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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could kill him.
I talked to him.
He's out of his mind.
You've gotta send me back.
If you don't, I'm dead.
It's your ass, kid.
Launch him.
Give me a four-day window.
Commence relaunch.
Forty-five seconds.
Cellular cohesion stable.
78.7 percent.
All right.
Let's hook him up.
Launch sync, May 7, 2025,
3:20 p.m.
We're set.
Brain waves extremely active.
Cellular integrity unstable.
Cellular cohesion 51.6 percent.
Doc? I already had the shot.
You know what? I could give a shit
if you take the shot.
You wanna get yourself turned
inside out, splattered all over
the fuckin' tube? Be my guest.
Am I doing this or what?
Thank you.
- Damn!
- Asshole.
- Six, five...
- What happened to her?
- She's been that way
since her husband was killed.
- Her husband? Doc's not married.
- He was killed in the war, Ryan.
- What war?
- Good luck.
- O'Rourke, what war?
- Initiating time phase... now.
- [Computer] Time phase...
[Ryan Screaming]
- Where in the hell did you come from?
- Where's Brandon Miller?
- Who?
- Brandon Miller. He's been locked
up here for two years.
I don't know a Brandon Miller,
and I've been here for six years.
As a matter of fact,
who in the hell are you?
[Male Computer Voice]
Stress level seven.
Sorry, kiddo.
You're going out again.
- What happened to your eye?
- What? [Laughs]
He wants to know
what happened to my eye.
Miller just jumped.
September 19, 1881, Springfield, Texas,
wherever the hell that is.
- My family's from Springfield.
- What the hell is your family
doing in Texas in 1881?
The Anderson side... Jason and Rose...
but that's a long story.
You better get your ass back out there.
Prepare for immediate relaunch.
- Oh, no. Not this shit again.
- I've given you a new watch.
If Miller jumps again,
you'll be able to lock on and follow him
as long as you're able to catch his time wake.
The more wake you catch,
the closer you'll be to him.
If you catch the tail end, you'll
be miles apart. Shoot him.
Where's Doc?
Well, you should know, Ryan.
You arrested her for T.E.C.
Code violation 40, section eight.
Time travel with the intent
to alter the future.
She was sentenced to death for trying
to save her husband in the war.
- What war?
- I know you don't want to think about it,
because your parents were killed in it.
My dad died in a bathroom at his university
when I was 11. He had a massive aneurysm.
My mother lives in Georgetown.
I had dinner with her two nights ago.
Miller's altered history
so that he was never arrested.
Jeffers was never born, so we never
caught Miller trying to assassinate Hitler.
Who is Jeffers and Hitler?
If this time line is historically correct,
then why am I after Brandon Miller?
You killed his wife in a jump
in Germany in 1940.
What you were doing in Germany
in 1940, we have no idea.
- [Computer] Two, one.
- I stopped Sasha but not Miller.
Zero. Launch sync.
May 7, 2025, 3:20 p.m.
- Stress level maximum...
- Why research time travel if not
to go back and right the wrongs?
Whose moral guidelines are we
working with then? Yours? Mine?
[Horses Whinnying]
[Horses Approaching]
Here you go.
Attagirl, Mary.
- Don't let it be too long.
- All right now.
Buy a girl a drink?
How 'bout that drink, cowboy?
Somethin' the matter?
You have a smile like my wife.
- So you're married.
- Oh, she died a few years ago.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Don't be.
She'll be back soon.
[Snorts, Whinnies]
[Woman Shouting]
We oughta be back around
in about an hour.
Know where a man can get a hot meal
and a room at an honest price?
Yeah, the Road To Ruin.
Got good steak,
a couple rooms upstairs,
but the whiskey's too damn expensive.
Much obliged.
Hey, let's go.
End of line. Come on.
Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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- текст Груз-200 на английском
- текст Шиза на английском

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