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Главная / Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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T-minus 60 seconds!
Accelerated launch activation.
T- minus 60 seconds.
Here we go.
- You got him?
- Give me his vitals.
Pulse: 47.
Brain waves normal.
Accelerated launch probability:
You got about a 30-minute window
before the prison riot starts.
I wouldn't want to be
in that place when it does.
You do realize the risk of running an
accelerated launch without an exact location?
Just don't land him
in the middle of a wall.
If my space and time telemetry's off, I
could land him on the moon, for Christ's sake.
- Launch him!
- [Computer] Launch activation...
Stand by for watch calibration.
On my mark.
Destination coordinates
are in your system...
Coming up on time cue.
Time sync in... five, four,
three, two, one... mark!
Launch activation,
T- minus 30 seconds.
- Good to go, Ryan.
- Thanks, man. Let's do it, Doc.
Listen to me. A normal launch has
a failure rate of 4%.
Launching you again this soon
raises that to 20%.
- But an accelerated launch...
- Just give me the shot, Doc!
- God! Ryan, this is not safe!
We shouldn't be doing this!
- Doc!
Give me the shot, or
my molecules will be scattered
from here to hell and back!
Doc, give me the damn shot!
Eleven, 10, 9, 8, 7...
Tonight. You can pick me up at 8:00.
Zero. Launch sync
May 7, 2025, 3:20 p.m.
Initiating time phase... now!
Time phase initiated.
[Ryan Screams]
[Voice over intercom]
Disturbance in the East complex...
So much for my 30-minute window.
Welcome to the party, asshole!
Where is solitary?
[Man Laughs]
Ryan Chan! What's it been?
Five years?
- [Convict Laughs]
- [Ryan Screaming]
Revenge is sweet, eh, Ryan?
How'd you like that, baby, huh?
[Grunting Continues]
Hey, Ryan, I thought you might
show up here today.
For two years,
in this hole, I've waited.
If only you'd opened your mind
and allowed yourself to think...
beyond the confines of a timecop,
we would be so much further
along by now.
- It's bothered you, hasn't it?
- What's that?
The decision you made in Berlin.
To save Hitler,
kill my wife.
I know.
We both lost something that night.
Part of who we were.
But I tell you what, Ryan,
I'm willing to put all that
aside and move forward...
because what we're dealing with
is much, much bigger than us.
You want me to forget
Berlin ever happened?
Forget about Edwards
and your Sasha? Is that it?
- Yes.
- You are insane.
What's your definition
of insanity, Ryan?
Is it really yours, or is it
just something you've been told?
What do you say
we jump back in time...
to when man first decided to
lock up all those deemed insane?
Don't you want to know
who made that decision?
Don't you want to make sure
they got it right?
Or did they destroy the lives
of some of the greatest...
scientists, artists and philosophers
we would have ever known...
simply because those individuals
were different?
out of the respect and love
I had for your father,
I'm giving you a second chance.
To what?
Play God with you?
Decide who's nuts, who's not?
Who dies, who lives?
You're right, Miller.
This is bigger than us.
And that's the way
it's going to stay.
God, you disappoint me.
I thought for sure
you were gonna understand.
Killing you here
gives me no satisfaction!
But to accomplish what I believe
I was put on this earth for,
I have to make sure you were
never born in any incarnation.
I will miss
what your father taught me.
I will miss what you and I could
have accomplished together.
Look at me.
I will miss the challenge.
Payback's a bitch, isn't it, Ryan?
Vital signs elevated.
Stress level three.
I lost him.
You have to send me back.
- There's a glitch.
- Travis, program me for relaunch now!
What do you want me to do, boss?
A relaunch with no rest
Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение

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