thought you wanted a life. - No. You're not sending him. He just jumped this morning. I'm sorry, Ryan. Broderick, you're up. You got it, chief. If Douglas dies here, he also dies in 1987. That means every time criminal he's ever brought in will never have been arrested. [Computer Voice] Sixty second, accelerated launch. Probability: 68.3%. It's a launch, Doc. Don't you have something to do? I want this launch in under two minutes. Do you read me, son? Loud and clear, boss. - Jenson, pull up every arrest Douglas made. - You got it, chief. [Travis] This one's gonna be dicey, buddy. Stick with me tight. [Computer] Destination: Hamden, Connecticut. Accelerated launch activation, T- minus 60 seconds and counting. [Computer] Launch activation. T- minus 60 seconds. Launch activation. T- minus 50 seconds. - [Groaning Continues] - Hold his head up. - He's not getting any oxygen! - T- minus 40 seconds. T- minus 30 seconds. - Stay on those vitals, Jenson. - Yeah, I'm on it. [Computer] Vital signs within normal parameters. - [Groaning Continues] - Initiating time phase... now! [Computer Voice] Time phase initiated. Launch activated. Cellular cohesion unstable. Cell integrity unstable. Cell cohesion failure. - [Indistinct Shouting] - Hold him! [Doc] O'Rourke, you better get somebody back in that chair! [Computer Voice] There are multiple illegal time launches in progress. - Where? - What the fuck? Calculating time launch locations. These launches are coming out of the Society for Historical Authenticity. - What? You sure about that? - No doubt, sir. Ryan, you take Jeffers, assemble a team and find out what's going on over there. - You got it. - Travis, you start the re-arrests now. [Travis] Yes, sir. We lost him. - Can I help you? - Mary Jeffers? - Yes. - I'm looking for your daughter. - Fredericks, check the vaults! - Got it. Samuels, take the offices. - Jackson, you come with us. - Yes, sir! [Grunting] - Jackson, open up those files. - Right away. - Hanley and Johnson. - My God! I was just talking to these guys. If I count right, they got everyone. The public doesn't know about the Society, Ryan. This is an inside job. - Miller's out. - No way. He's 3,000 feet underground in the world penitentiary. They blew up the launch space so we couldn't track them. Ryan, the Social Security lineage vaults were broken into. Let me see that. The personnel files on the entire T.E.C. have been accessed and downloaded. Shit! That means if Miller's behind this, he could... go back and erase the... Ryan! What the hell just happened? Miller's eliminating us by hitting our family lines. Jeffers was never born. [O'Rourke On Radio] Ryan, get your ass back here right now! - All hell's breaking loose. - Jackson, let's go. We've got spikes across the board! They're massive! Off the scale. I've never seen anything like this before. They go all the way back to the 19th century. Now, this can't be tied to Douglas' death. You already arrested Miller and his entire gang. But Douglas tracked down Tony Banks for me. That means that I never arrested Banks because Douglas never found him. Travis, get a lead on Banks right now. Computer, was there a breakout at the world penitentiary? [Computer] There was a major riot and prison break two days ago. - Present status? - The World Penitentiary for the Criminally Insane... is currently in lockdown. Hostages are being held. Prisoners are unaccounted for. Penitentiary still under siege. I still don't have a lead on Banks. Banks broke him out of prison. [Groaning] [Woman] Lost one. [Groaning] - Oh, man! - [Man Screams] We gotta stop this prison break before Miller wipes out the entire T.E.C. - Travis! - Yeah, boss? Prepare for another goddamn accelerated launch. Ryan, you get your butt in that seat. You stop that son of a bitch! You hear me? Accelerated launch activation!
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