CoIoneI AIexander? - Yeah. They want you on the phone. AIexander here. Nick... it's a go. Gotcha. McCoy... it's a go. Take 'em down. OK, section two and three, Iet's do it. CIose communications. We go in... 60 seconds. Ready? Mark. We go in 60 seconds. 60 seconds. Mark. Radios off the air. CoIoneI, this is Ingrid Harding, the pIane's purser. Mr Ambassador, I'd Iike to taIk to her aIone. - Yes, sir. - Thank you. Miss Harding, this wiII onIy take a few minutes. - What's happening? - Commandos are gonna storm the pIane. Oh, no. Don't. AII the hostages in Beirut, they'II kiII them aII. - What hostages? - Navy guys and Jews who Ieft the pIane - when the other hijackers came on. - What other hijackers? AII those men who came on board. 10 or 12 of them. Oh, God. AII sections. OK, 30 seconds. AII right? AII sections. Come on, somebody respond. Let's go. Turn the Iight on. Hit the siren. What the heII is that? Come on, get out of there, McCoy. Turn the Iights out! Get down. What the heII...? Don't shoot back. We're cIearing out. - Get out. - Don't shoot. Get out. Get out of the tanker. Oh, shit. Take off - immediateIy! Take off. AII right, aII right. Come. Americans, Iook what you have done! Look here, Americans. He's gonna kiII him. Now your president wiII know we are serious. - Here is a token... - Don't shoot. for the American peopIe. One Marine kiIIer. - Oh, Jesus. - Son of a bitch. Let's go. Come on, move. Sorry I had to do it that way, boys. It was the onIy way I couId stop you in time. - What happened, CoIoneI? - 12 terrorists got on board. They were in every part of that pIane with machine guns. It wouIda been a disaster. He's an American. He was in the Navy. - Where do we go from here? - After them, I hope. They're going back to Beirut. - You mean it's all over for us? - On the contrary, CoIoneI. The President wants you to fIy to IsraeI. lsrael is our best friend in the Middle East, and it's only 20 minutes from Beirut. You're gonna get everything you want to do it right. The President wants those people home. So do we, General. So do we. We are Americans. Stay down. CIear. Not bad, McCoy. Not bad. 20 seconds. Just Iike cIockwork. - We can do it in 10. - AII right, one more time. ISRAEL, AIRFORCE BASE SATURDAY, JULY 20TH - 5:50AM HoId it, McCoy. We got visitors. - CoIoneI AIexander? - Yeah. Good morning. I'm CoIoneI Amir from IsraeIi InteIIigence. Oh, yes. This is Major McCoy. - Good morning, Major. - CoIoneI. Can I taIk to you? CertainIy. Bobby, take over. I want it done in 10 seconds. We'II be right down. - So what's happening? - They've taken the hostages off the pIane. - Where to? - I don't know. They couId be spread aII over Beirut by now. CoIoneI, I assume your Mossad stiII has peopIe pIanted in Lebanon, right? Your assumption is correct. - I need to get in contact with one of them. - Do some reckoning before the rescue? - It'd be a great heIp to us, CoIoneI. - If I may suggest... - They've announced a press conference. - Ah, of course. Now that they got the worId's attention, they wanna manipuIate the press. Perfect. BEIRUT, MEDITERRANEAN BEACH SATURDAY, JULY 20TH - 8:00AM Move them in... quickIy! Bring in the mattresses fast. Give them to the dogs. Mahmud! Go and doubIe the guards. QuickIy! Another funeraI. Another Christian. I was in Beirut 20 years ago. You shouId have been here then. It was something. They had everything. NightcIubs, dancing, concerts, Iaughter. It was the Las Vegas of the MiddIe East. Beirut was beautifuI then. I don't Iike it. What don't you Iike? This Christian pIace. The church? It's aIways been here. Do you want us to destroy it? What about the priest? The Greek? He was aIways here... Iike the buiIding. He is a priest and a friend... we cannot hurt him. I don't trust this Christian. Hey, Marine heroes. Your friend. He made the news.They kiIIed ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Тайна третьей планеты на английском - текст КОАПП на английском - текст Дядя Бак на английском - текст Чайковский на английском - текст Клуб Парадиз на английском |