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Отряд Дельта

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now I Iive in America.
I am Christian Orthodox. Ask them.
Sister, teII him I am not a Jew.
Father, don't you know me from Chicago?
- Move.
- Wait.
- This man is teIIing the truth.
- Sit down. We know what we are doing.
Sir, you are making a big mistake...
Sit down.
On the fIoor.
- He is teIIing the truth.
- We know what we are doing.
- Father. Where are you going?
- You. Come back.
- I said come back.
- No.
Sit down.
- What are you doing here?
- You caIIed me.
- What is your name?
- WiIIiam O'MaIIey.
- I did not caII you.
- You caIIed for aII the Jews.
I'm Jewish, just Iike Jesus Christ.
You take one of us, you gotta take us aII.
Sit down, then.
- You.
- Me?
Yeah. The pregnant Iady. Come on.
Excuse me.
Go, go, go. Move.
I need some piIIows.
Give me some piIIows.
Yeah... Sit down. Sit.
OK, that's enough. Sit.
That's enough. Sit down.
- You feeI good?
- Fine. Thank you for remembering.
- OK everything?
- Thank you.
- SIeep weII.
- Thanks.
Beirut approach control,
American Travelways Flight 282,
under command of Captain
AbduI Rafai
of the New...
WorId RevoIution.
WorId RevoIution,
requesting landing instructions.
American TraveIway, I am unabIe
to give you Ianding instruction.
This airport is cIosed today
to aII internationaI fIights
by order of the Lebanese government.
You heard the man.
Now what do you want to do?
Beirut, you must cIear that runway
at once or we'II aII die.
You are facing disaster if you try to Iand.
- Where is the pIane?
- There.
Do you have the captain? Give it to me.
This is the Minister of Defence speaking.
You cannot Iand in our country.
We have enough troubIe.
We have 1 44 men, women and chiIdren
aboard this aircraft.
The hijacker has threatened to bIow us
up. If he does, it'II be your responsibiIity.
Do you understand that, Mr Minister?
Do we now have your permission to Iand?
My answer is definiteIy not.
Mr Minister... Mr Minister...
What is it?
Captain. What's this shouting?
What's going on there?
They're torturing a young boy.
A Navy hostage.
They're kiIIing him.
Mr Minister, we're coming in for Ianding
whether we have your permission or not.
Reducing power.
Let them Iand.
Captain, it's OK.
You have permission to Iand.
But just give me a minute.
l want to clear the runway.
We'II go in in three sections.
McCoy, you'II Iead the first section.
I want you to hit the emergency exits
on the port wing... here and here,
cIearing the first-cIass cabin
and the cockpit.
Pete, you'II have the second section.
Hit the emergency exits on the starboard
wing, here, cIearing the main cabin.
Bobby, you'II have section three
for backup and emergencies.
It shouId be a piece of cake.
- There are onIy two terrorists on board.
- How do we know that?
A caIcuIated guess.
AII right. Any questions?
PIease heIp yourseIf.
TeII America in five minutes...
..we wiII kiII one after the other.
They'II kiII one every five minutes.
This wiII be a disaster.
JamiI. Thank God you came.
They're going to kiII one
every five minutes.
- Let me try.
- Try.
Hi, brother.
- JamiI.
- CongratuIations.
Now we need the sympathy of the worId.
Now we need
the American pubIic opinion.
Now is the time to be united.
ReIease women and chiIdren...
then the Americans wiII taIk.
Listen to me, brother.
I am your commander.
Not any more.
AbduI, we're aII fighting
for the same cause.
No. Give us fueI.
No way?
Their way is suicide.
Get them fueI and get rid of them.
AII right, AbduI...
finish your mission your way.
God be with you.
Momma, it's so hot.
I know, sweetie. Everybody's hot.
What are they doing there with Daddy?
Asking him some questions.
What kind of questions?
Maybe... about being Jewish.
They don't Iike Jews, huh, Momma?
No, sweetie, they don't Iike Jews.
Отряд Дельта Отряд Дельта

Читайте также:
- текст Стюарт Литтл на английском
- текст Военно-полевой роман на английском
- текст Когда Святые Маршируют на английском
- текст Мистер Блисс на английском
- текст Альф на английском

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