shut up. Come here. HoId this. PIease, just be quiet. OK? Everything wiII be aII right. Listen. You don't have to do that. - We'II cooperate. - Shut up. Sit down. Sit down. Now you Iisten to me. Look at this passport one by one. Pick out the passport with Jewish names. American passports do not state reIigion. Give me the IsraeIis. There are no IsraeIis on board. Then pick out the Jewish names. I toId you, there is no way I can know who is a Jew. How can I? Do it! I can't! I won't do it. Yes, you wiII do it. No, not me. Don't you see? I'm German. - What does that mean? - The seIections. The Nazis. The death camps. Don't you see I can't do what you want me to do? Very sorry, dear Iady. But... you must do this for us. You cIaim you beIong to a revoIutionary organisation. That is correct. We are freedom fighters. We are fighting for our brothers. But then you don't want to be associated with Nazis who kiIIed six miIIion Jews. Not enough, Iady. The Jews stoIe PaIestine. They took our Iands. Leave her. With no gun, you wouIdn't be shit. - Shut up, you American imperiaIist pig. - Stop it, pIease. You are aII pigs and kiIIers. Don't kiII him, pIease. Stop him. Don't Iet him kiII him. You wiII do what AbduI said. He is your new captain and you obey or you die. Do you hear me? You die. We wiII kiII everyone on this bIoody pIane. No. I won't do it! Yes. What's going on, CoIoneI? Men and equipment are aboard. What's the deIay? - I'II give him five more minutes. - Who? Oh... nothing, sir. Just a few more minutes. CoIoneI? WeII, it's about time you showed up. I was afraid I was gonna have to use this. What is it? A presidentiaI decree ordering you back to duty. And you can Ieave the keys in the van, too. I've got your gear on the pIane. GeneraI, we're aII set. - How was your engagement party? - A IittIe cut short. - Bobby, good to see you. - WeIcome back, boss. - Do you know who that guy is? - No. - WeII, Iet's go do it. - Let's do it. - Great to see you. - Good to see you, Captain Jack. - Don't make me carry your ass this time. - No way, Captain. Major. Yes, sir, Major. - What the heII, huh? - CongratuIations. Ladies and gentIemen, this is your new captain speaking. Miss lngrid will read some names. - What are they doing? - They must go immediately to first class. l repeat: immediately. KapIan, Benjamin. Mr Benjamin Kaplan. This can't be happening. Not now, not again. What are you doing? Where are you going? Don't go. We survived once. We can do it again. I'm coming. Where are you going? Go back to your seat. He is my husband. - Sit down. - No. No. I won't Iisten. Go on. Why don't you aII do something?. There's onIy two of them. There's so many of you. I don't care. She's just upset. No. It's the war aII over again. The concentration camps. Why don't you do something? - There's onIy two of them. - Sit down! And there's so many of us. - Do something! - PIease... You! Sit down. Sit. I'm Benjamin KapIan. What can I do for you? Sit down. Next one. Harry GoIdman. Mr Harry Goldman, come to first class, please. PIease... don't take him. He's a sick man. He has a heart condition. SyIvia. SyIvia, be strong. Listen to me. Be strong. I'm OK. - PIease don't go. - I can go. I can go. It's OK. Move. Go! - Harry GoIdman. - Sit. - Next. - Robert Levine. Mr Robert Levine, please come to first class, please. OK, OK. Move. PIease don't take my daddy. Daddy, take me with you. I have to go, sweetheart. But I'm not Ieaving the pIane. He can't, sweetie. Daddy can't... I'II be back. Daddy. Here, take. OK, move. Go, go. Move. You just keep your hands off my daughter. Move. On the fIoor. David Rosovsky. Mr Rosovsky, come to first class, please. They're making a mistake. They're making a mistake. Mr Rosovsky, you move or I shoot you right here. But I am not Jewish. I'm American. I came from Russia but ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Этой ночи жена на английском - текст Бродячий Пес: Бронеотряд Церберов на английском - текст В созвездии быка на английском - текст С глаз - долой, из чарта - вон! на английском - текст Живой на английском |