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go, let's leave.
Let's go.
Tsyp, tsyp, tsyp, tsyp...
- Tsyp, tsyp, tsyp, tsyp.
- Nastya, avast, where? Nastya!
- Tsyp, tsyp ...
- Nastya! Nastya!
Here we are.
Tsypa, tsypa.
- Ok, get out, we've arrived.
- No.
- But I will not go with you.
- You should, should, dear.
- No, I am tired.
You go, and I will be sitting here.
No, I will not go with you
I will not go.
What a beastly man you are.
And your island is also beastly.
I will not go with you.
- You have to.
- No, I will not go.
- There is nothing you can do, you have to. Don't be afraid.
- No, I will not go with you.
- Everything will be all right, let's go.
- I don't want.
- You have to go.
No, I don't want.
In the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amin.
Господи Иисусе Христе Сыне Божий,
да будет на все святая воля твоя.
Да воскреснет Бог,
да расточатся врази Его,
да бежат от лица Его ненавидящие его,
яко исчезает дым, да исчезнут.
Яко тает воск от лица огня,
тако да погибнут беси от лица любящих Бога
и знаменующихся крестным
знаменем и в веселии глаголящих.
Радуйся пречестные Животворящий Кресте Господень
прогоняи бесы силою проклятого на тебе
Господа нашего Иисуса Христа
в ад сшедшего и поправшего силу дьяволи
и дароваршего нам теби Крест свой частный
на прогнание всякого супостата.
О пречестный и животворящий Кресте Господень,
Помогай ми со святою госпожею Девой
Богородицей и со всеми святыми во веки. Аминь.
Слава тебе Боже.
Господи Боже помоги нам немощным. Аминь.
Here we are.
Here we are.
Here we are, it is better now.
Cry, cry.
It is ok, give it a go.
Thank you... sorry, sorry, I don't know how to thank you.
Nasten'ka is totally different now...
- ... she' shining.
- We should be giving thanks to God.
You should come to the church now.
Nastya should confess and commune - everything will be all right then.
- And you, wouldn't you like to confess yourself?
- I don't quite understand you, sorry.
Let's go, I'll explain everything.
Let's go.
Don't be afraid, admiral...
... it's not a check-up here,
not 'the First Department'.
Well, I am afraid of nobody really.
I feared enough.
I really don't understand what ...  do you want from me.
In 1942... I was captured... I was quite young then.
Germans offered ...
... life in exchange for I my comrade to kill.
- Where was it?
- It was right here, in the Nordic Navy.
- And what was your comrade's name?
- I don't remember.
He was older than me, a skipper I think.
On a tugboat.
Why you don't ask me whether I killed him or not?
- And... did you kill him?
- I did.
And how to live with this I don't know.
And I don't know.
- But why do you tell me this?
- I am old.
It is fearsome to die with such sins. Fearing.
Do not fear, die in peace... father.
I used to know that sailor...
... he survived.
... sent a bullet through his hand then.
There was an explosion and he ... jumped beyond the ledge...
and hitched the board.
And in the morning he was found by our soldiers.
Forgive me.
Forgive for everything. А?
I have forgiven a long time ago.
I thought you are dead.
I thought you died when the tug blowed up...
Tihon, go with peace.
God is with you.
Here we are...
I hold it.
... God save us, brothers.
A good job.
We polished it first and then varnished.
One could just use it as a buffet in a living-room. А?
Do you like it?
What have you done?
I need a coffin and not a cupboard.
I endeavor for you...
I wanted to please you.
And you like just nothing.
If you like we could take an abrasive and rip it off.
Or we could just use your coal.
Just tell me what do you want!
I will do everything for you, father Anatoly!
Listen, father Iov, forgive me an old fool, a?
- For the smut, for Cain, and for 'buffet', forget it.
- Ok, ok.
- For Heaven's sake.
- Let's not recall one-time things.
- And you forgive me.
- I am not fair with you.
- And you forgive me, for the love of Christ, forgive father.
- Lord will forgive.
Остров Остров

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- текст Асса на английском
- текст Маньяк-полицейский на английском
- текст Братья Блюз 2000 на английском
- текст Котёнок по имени Гав на английском
- текст Назад в будущее 2 на английском

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