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Bob Henderson.
Tom Morgan, he's a fine fellow,
but a little weak below the belt.
George Merry.
The complete ship's list,
giving all their little vices.
And you, if my mind tells me right,
you're our little cabin boy.
There's lots of Admirals who
started off like that.
You've got to begin on the lowest
Clap your spyglass on Tom Morgan
here. I remember him as a cabin boy.
Just like you,
young and handsome.
Yes, he was too shy and timid,
like a blushing maid.
He's an honest lad, our Morgan,
only he has a real thirst.
Hold close by John Silver, and
I'll make you a real sailing man.
Welcome, men! I hope that
on this voyage you'll merit
only thanks.
If we have success with our
you will all be given
a large bonus.
Thank you heartily, sir.
That's not so bad a crew at all.
What do you say to that,
Mr. Smollett?
The Captain is personally
responsible for his vessel.
Because of that I should have
recruited the personnel myself.
I hope that's quite clear.
Don't you think so?
Cabin boy!
- To the storeroom!
- Ay, ay, sir!
- We're under way at nearly 10 knots.
- Very likely, sir.
- She handles well to the helm.
- True, sir!
- You take the wheel!
- Ay, ay, sir!
It won't take much from that fellow
to cause me to lose my temper.
Come in, Hawkins!
Nobody is more welcome here
than you, my lad.
- Can I give this to Captain Flint?
- You do that.
Captain Flint prophesies
success for our voyage.
That parrot must be 200 summers
Only old Nick himself can have
seen as much evil as my parrot.
She sailed with the famous pirate,
Captain England.
She's been to Madagascar
and at Surinam,
and Providence and Porto Bello.
She was at the fishing up of
the wrecked treasure galleons.
It was there that she learned
to say "pieces of eight".
And you'd think she was a mere
But you smelt the powder,
didn't you, Captain?
- Stand by to go about!
- She's a real sailorman.
Devil take your guts! Thunder and
brimstone! I'll cut your heart out!
Living in the pitch, you can't
help getting mucked with it.
This poor innocent bird here
is swearing blue fire.
She don't know what she speaks.
She'd talk the same before Lord.
Calls himself a cook?
The man's a preacher!
Why, he'll finish up a bishop,
eh, Jim?
- What are you doing, my hearties?
- We're changing their place.
And why for, then?
They're executing my orders.
And you mind your own business.
Ay, ay, sir!
- He's a good man!
- That's very possible, sir.
Put three reefs on the jib!
Trim your yards for your port-tack!
His Panama campaign
was a stroke of genius.
But how many towns were smashed
through the fault of the man.
Morgan came too late. Everything
had already been discovered.
Sir Francis Drake was the one
who found many new places.
Morgan and Drake were pirates.
They brought death in their wake.
And there's no voyage of
discovery that's worth that.
Thank you, Jim, put it here.
All the same, they were very
great sailors. The glory of England.
The shame of England.
Come Jim, read it,
this ought to interest you.
It's not a bad story at all,
although written by a Frenchman.
I thought it was by a Hollander.
Oh, my poor Tommy,
My poor Tom,
Why have you left
Your old home?
Under the black flag,
We went on a raid,
All seventy five of us,
That was our fate.
Goodbye, Jenny,
Goodbye, don't feel sad.
Don't wait for me, Jenny,
And don't be mad.
Oh, my poor Tommy,
My poor Tom,
Your sail is torn down,
You're battered by storm.
Your sail is torn down,
Your ship has been wrecked.
Your wind of good fortune
Has got you but trapped.
Goodbye, Jenny...
Goodbye, don't feel sad.
Goodbye, Jenny, don't be mad.
The same broadside that I lost my
leg, Pew lost his day-lights.
After that he spent 1,200 pounds
a year, like a Lord in Parliament.
And two years ago,
he was already starving.
He stole and he slit throats,
and for all that he starved.
Where is he now?
Остров Сокровищ Остров Сокровищ

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