going into the gym business. That doesn't mean you boys aren't welcome back here. Hell, we'll put you all on a program. Help you take care of those love handles... of yours there, Walter Jr. Hey, now, quit it! And that's it, huh? Jabo, have you thought about building a skinny high-rise? Or maybe a little fat, short, squatty one around my place. Look, two months from now, you're gonna get tired... of playing with all these toys. You're gonna crawl to us to bail your ass out. Maybe. But for now, I like it down here. Let me set something straight. From now on... you do your business on the other side of town. You listen to me, hear? What's he doing? Posing. You think that's funny? That's funny. No, that's funny. - Dear nephew... - You'll see. You may not have become the Blake we anticipated... but you are definitely Craig Blake... an identity that no one will dare challenge. Musclemen amok in the town your forebears built. A formidable achievement. Fondly, Uncle Albert. Well, it's a sold house, William. Dear Uncle Albert... "Do it unsparingly," you once said... and so I have. I asked William if he would like to stay on... with the new owners... but he feels that way of life... is as much behind him as it is for me. He's opened a thrift shop downtown... using the more salable objects from the house... with which to build his trade. Found us a spot down by the river. - William! - Yes, sir? We offered him a guest membership at the spa... but he contends that massage, rays... weight training, and the like... would send him to an early grave. I think in some very special way... William's approval means more to me... than anyone else's in the family. Give us a hug here. Come on down the spa sometime, William. It seems strange to be leaving the house I was born in. But I think we both know I left a long time ago. I simply neglected to move out. Squirrels abound where Mary Tate and I will be living... so come spy on them. And us. Your most loving nephew, Craig.
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