taking a little look at your place here and... I might could get excited about something like this. How much do you want for it? Turn around. Dear Uncle Albert, I recognize that I am involved... with unorthodox business people. As you advised, I am proceeding cautiously. Business causes tension. But as you would expect... confidently. Sincerely, Craig. Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey. You hold it right there. - Right there on that spot. - Hey, it's all right. He was up here a couple of days ago... and Thor says it's OK. Did you eat yet? I had a little lunch. What you trying to say? Thor didn't tell me nothing about it. Well, he told me. It's better if you don't have nothing on your stomach. Good. Better not be no spy, say l! Better not be no spy! Better not be no spy, I say! Newton, please. What's this contest? Mr. Universe next month. Thor's been saving Joe up for it. He don't want the wrong people seeing him... or wouldn't nobody enter. Are you his trainer? I'm his grease man. Oil him up before exhibition. Oh. Well... You call lifting them itty-bitty things working out? I think the man is doing fine, just fine. I've been watching him now for a while... and he's really moving big. He moves like he used to play hockey. Hey, Franklin, ask him if he used to play hockey. You play hockey? Tell Batman it was lacrosse... but I can see how he got confused. Joe, you gonna be long? Mary Tate and Anita are over at the club... so why don't you all go ahead and... I'll catch up with you later. Listen, they got a pool table over there. You play? - Where's Joe at? - Still pumping iron. Too bad. The band wanted him to sit in on a set tonight. Let's don't have any trouble out of you, huh? - Don't sweat it, Hayes. - Don't get on nobody. See? What else does this Santo guy do besides lift weights? There ain't nothing Joe don't do. Man bowls 200... was near about an Olympic swimmer... and before he come here from Austria... he was world champion of curling. You... You know what that is? He's quite a guy, isn't he? Damn straight. Corner. Let me tell you something, buddy. When Joe takes that title next month... He's... He's going to have done it all. You got a hot stick, my man. Very hot. Rack 'em up. Let's hear it for the band! Anita, now she comes from Chicago. Don't flash those greenbacks. Excuse us. She teaches down at the gym twice a week. What she teach? Excuse me, Romeo. Karate. Black belt. I'm gonna say hello to my friend over here. All right. I'll see you back at the table. - Hey, hey, buddy! - Sorry. What are y'all? I mean, y'all are pretty big dudes. You play football or what? Yeah. We play for Auburn. What do you play? Scatback. I figured you played something like that. What's your name? Blake. Buck Blake. Yeah. Thanks, Blake. "War eagle" now, you hear? I hear you. Don't get nervous. Joe wouldn't care. You know something? You look like a swamp. I've been meaning to tell you that. - I look like a what? - A swamp. With all that blond hair and eyes and stuff. I really like the way you look... except for that. What is that? Looks like a little baby squirrel's tail. Watch out. Don't get no poop on you, now. Then last month, I was in Cozumel for sailfish... and September, a bunch of us guys... get together, go down to Mexico... and shoot white-wing dove. I personally can't see that, shooting birds. It's cheaper than shooting craps and better than shooting people. I can't see shooting doves. My dentist had this freezer filled with doves. I hate that. There are so many of them down there... that they eat up all the crops. And as for the crops... I personally feel whoever gets there first... should eat 'em. How come you told me you couldn't dance? Couldn't dance? Darling, I've been waltzing since I've been on solid food. You see? Excuse me, old buddy. - We're still dancing. -
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