My dear Craig... it has been five months since your father... and my beloved sister... died. Surely, there is no time limit... on grief... and sorrow. I know you have expressed misgivings... about the steel business... but perhaps this is the time... to seek the comforts of your tradition. You are young and particularly vulnerable... now that your parents are dead. Come work with me. I have heard you are involved... in some real estate venture. Is this the time to divorce yourself from family? To take up with unsavory strangers? You are, after all, a Blake. Please... Iet me hear from you. Fondest regards... Uncle Albert. I'll bet you 50 I can beat you to the meeting. Double it for 100. We don't want to keep that Blake boy waiting. I'm in. We jumping reds, Jabo? I see a piece of pelt I'd like to jump over here. If I'm lying, I'm dying. Look out, y'all, I'm hot as fire... and I'm burning up Birmingham. You're standing still, chub-chub. Blink once, you're gonna miss me. Now, boys, well, you can read 'em and weep... 'cause the Hueytown Flash has arrived. Well, we're nearly home then. Two more pieces of property... we have the whole block sewed up. What'd you finally get that tailor down to, Walter Jr.? $35,000 on a refinance. Like talking to a mule, that old man... but he come to see the light. That's fine as wine. How you coming, Hal? Still working on it. Now, Craig, this last piece of property... Iooks like you'll have to buy it.. since you the only one left without his name on some paper. Like you say, I'll just go on over yonder... and make that boy an offer right down around his ankles. Yeah, you do that, boy... and if he don't buy it... you move up around his knees. Shit. We don't need to tell you nothing. You'll charm that dude blind. Isn't that right, fellas? Gimme ten, Mr. Blake. They made enough on that Pell City deal to buy Alabama. We're lucky they let us in on this thing. Lucky? They're the lucky ones. Now, look. Just keep it simple. Just go down and buy the place. The corporation buys it back, and we own the block. We build the biggest office high-rise in the city. I know how it works. My great grandfather built this town... by eating guys like that for breakfast. Wasn't this your father's car? Yeah. I figured it needed a little air. Are you sure you're OK up there alone? Yeah, I'm sure. I'll see you at the club on Saturday. I got the court for 10:00. Good. See you there. You'd better put your top up. Welcome to the Olympic. I'm Mary Tate Farnsworth, and-- Honey, I don't think you should hang upside down anymore. Welcome to the Olympic. I'm Mary Tate-- Actually, I'm just here to look around. Well, just take them steps. Thank you. You a businessman? You got it. - Hiya. I'm Franklin Coates. - Craig Blake. - Show you around the place? - Sure. Mr. Walker, keep leaning on that barrel there. Just ease back on it. That's my man. Right this way. Now, this is the studio. Over here, we got massage and rays. Hey, Newton. This way. This pool is kept at 110 degrees at all times. It's got herbs in it. Kills crabs, does it? Huh? Oh, yeah. Gain, reduce, or tone. See, we're supposed to put you on a program. Is the guy on the sign on a program? Joe Santo? Mr. Austria? You can bet your ass he don't need no program. Well, neither do l. What time did-- Excuse me, Mister... - Blake. - Thor Erikson. - How you do, Mr. Erikson? - Just call me Thor. There's some builders and lifters... who work out at 6:00 to 8:00 at night. That's what I was trying to tell him, Thor. I was explaining-- Mr. Erikson-- That's their time, now. They're not your kind of folks. Them boys are rough as a cob. What line are you in, Mister... Blake. I'm a businessman. A man of decision. Real estate. Relax there. Get the most for the least. Know what I mean? You look in pretty good shape. I was
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