( 'GOLDEN BROWN' PLAYS ) SONG: § Golden brown, texture like sun § Lays me down, with my mind she runs § Throughout the night § No need to fight § Never a frown with golden brown § Every time just like the last § On her ship tied to the mast § To distant lands § Takes both my hands § Never a frown with golden brown... § Flip, turn the fucking TV off! People are trying to sleep. ( SONG CONTlNUES lN BACKGROUND ) Flip, have some fucking consideration! ( SOUND MUTES ) For Christ's sake, Flip! Flipster? (Quietly) Oh, shit! Shit! Fuck! ( ENERGETlC ROCK MUSlC ) SONG: § Don't you wanna be § A personality? § An ocean in the sea? § But you'll never make it if you can't shake it § So don't mistake it Just try and fake it § And l want you to know § You don't have far to go § So we'll use all your dough § To buy new clothes and see what flows § And powder your nose for those photos § You're almost on your way § To popularity § And we'll teach you to play § With icy stare and punk-rock hair § And beatnik flare We'll take you there § And there's so many round like you § And we don't care just what you're doing § After we have gone our separate ways § Yeah, yeah § Yeah, hey! § (Croaks) MAN: Fore! Shit! MAN: Bullshit! MAN: lt's not bullshit. lt's fucking bullshit! White's bleeding over Orange. Cradles him in his arms and says, ''l love you, man.'' lt's fucking bullshit and even if it wasn't, they'd say it like blokes say to each other. GOLFER: Fore! ( WHACK! ) (Sings) § All the leaves are... All the leaves are brown § And the sky is grey... § Then Orange says back... ..''l love you too, man.'' Yeah, they're saying, ''l love you, man.'' Not, ''l LOVE you, man.'' § l went for a walk § On a winter's day... § Why would he say that? Why would he say ''l love you too,'' if he wasn't a pillow biter? He's bleeding to death. You say shit like that when you're bleeding to death. § l'd be safe and warm if l was in... § He's been holding it in the whole time. He thinks he's going to die. He has to let it out. Otherwise, his secret will be carried to the grave. Bull-fucking-shit! l love Danny here. But it doesn't mean l'm a fucking chocolate dipper. l'm no fucking chocolate dipper, mate. What about that bit where they're pointing guns at each other? What about it? Well, maybe it's not really their guns they're pointing. There's no way, pal! No way! No fucking way! Dude, l've seen it like 1 8 times. lt's fucking bullshit! There's no fucking chocolate dippers in that movie! lt's my favourite fucking movie! You're all fucking ruining it for me! (Sings) § California dreaming... § lt slices a bit to the right, dude. Fore! ( WHACK! ) l knew this bloke once, right? And... ..he used to masturbate so much that he grew very fond of his hand. So much so that he began talking to it and he put a little face on it. And he called it Muriel. And after a while, Muriel began to talk back to him. Fore! ( SPLAT! ) He'd get her all dolled up in make-up and specially made little clothes. And at night she'd go down and make intense, mad, passionate love to him. Anyway, one night about 3am, he wakes up in a cold sweat. And he hears all this panting and moaning and groaning coming from the next-door neighbour's apartment. And he looks down at his hand... There's nothing there. lt's gone. lt's just this bloody stump. So he staggers out into the hallway and he sees that the next-door neighbour's door's wide open. So he pops his head in and what does he see? On the bed, his hand, Muriel, all dressed up to the nines, make-up on, going down on the next-door neighbour. lt's a true story. Yeah, l heard tell once, dudes, a guy has about 4,000 times in him before he's all used up. That's fucking bullshit! More like 40,000. ln your dreams, stick man. Add it up! Two times a day, seven days a week, for what, l don't ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Поздняя весна на английском - текст Адмирал на английском - текст Зови меня Джинн на английском - текст Особенности национальной охоты на английском - текст Марти на английском |