you roll these guys up, they gonna know I'm the one. - They'll hunt me down. - We'll put you in protective custody. Yeah, and I'll be dead in a day. Listen, you got a traitor in your organization. - You get me the money, and I will disappear. - I gotta be honest with you. I find it pretty far-fetched we got agents in on an assassination attempt. Here. Maybe this will change your mind, okay? Call signs, code words, today's encryption keys! Yeah, whoever this traitor is... they're either on the president's detail or in a key liaison position. Listen, I want a list of everyone who's got "Q" clearance. And where's the president right now? Press conference at his house. Twenty minutes. This morning's action demonstrates our continuing resolve... to take on the infrastructure of terrorism... wherever we find it anywhere around the globe. How reliable is this guy Xavier? I've built three counterfeiting cases using his information. - Against who? - Mid-level guys, Barranquilla Cartel. Sir. That's everyone with "Q" clearance. Those who actually commit terrorist acts. Now let me point out, this is very important- Polygraph everyone on that list... and stand up a red team to find the traitor. Now, I'm going to assume that the hit on Merriweather is connected to this... so let's fold that investigation in as well. - And we put Breckinridge in charge of the whole thing. - He's the best we've got? - Yeah. - Pete. He's kind of a protйgй of yours. What do you think? - He'll follow the evidence wherever it leads him. - Then he's the guy. You can have anybody you want. From I.D., from the field. You get carte blanche. - Not right now. - Oh, sorry. - I can tell personnel you need to lose the rookie. - No, I'm gonna keep her. She hasn't been ruined by years in the field. I will blow you up. I come to bomb this country. Holy wars. We have intel that representatives of Al-Qaeda... have met on at least two occasions with the Barranquilla leadership. You think it's timed to coincide with the Camp David talks? Probably. The threat alone interferes with the process. We pulled 50 agents in from the field. People who haven't worked at the White House in at least two cycles. They'll integrate with both of your teams. We're all gonna be looking over each other's shoulders till we find this guy, sir. Well, do what you have to to protect me, but I want the threat... the investigation, I want everything kept classified. As far as the public is concerned, I'm just carrying on my normal business. - Is that clear? - Mr. President... we're going to need to get everyone involved here. What do you think would happen to the power of the president... if people thought I wasn't even safe from my own Secret Service? It took over 200 years to create the symbol of the presidency... and I'm not gonna undermine it with something like this. - Let's circle the wagons, okay? You all right? - Fine. Good, let's do that. How do we proceed? Bill, you're the guy. You're the last line of defense. You can protect him better than any of us can. Is there anything else that you can think of that'll help you do that? Yeah. This. And I promise you, right here and now, we're gonna win this one. You can bank on it. Thank you very much. Good night. Good night. Thank you. Heads it's Sixth Street, tails it's Eighth. Bravo cars. - This way, Mr. President. - Thank you, Bill. Classic is moving to bravo cars. Copy that. Command to alpha cars. You are off the hook. Sir, could you put down that knife? It's not what they wanted to hear. It's what they needed to hear. Hello, young lady. Where'd this guy come from? He's an old C.I. of Garrison's. Nine, 10 years. - Garrison? - Mm-hmm. What's wrong? It's nothing. - Are you
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