a seat. And... that's for you. You know, I don't know all the evidence you have against him... but I do know why he failed the lie detector test. And I know why he was in that coffee shop looking for someone. Hello. U.S. Secret Service up for the G8. I got a priority item for the duty officer over at the lab. - That'll be that direction on the eighth floor. - Thank you. Sign the log, please. I need any prints that you can find off this cup. - Okay. - Thank you very much. See you in about 12 minutes. Sweeps two and three now complete. I'm gonna be pushing post in a few minutes... - but if you want to grab a coffee- - Marin. - Hey, Jill. This is Pete. - A lot of people are looking for you. I'm sure they are. - Did you find any prints at the apartment? - No. Nothing. I did. You gotta help me out. If I e-mail the prints to you, how long is it gonna take... to check them against the F.B.I. and C.I.A. databases? Five minutes after I receive 'em. I'll call you five minutes after I send them. Bye. I've got a print in here. Could somebody run it for me, please? - Yeah, I got it. - Thank you. In my experience a guilty man doesn't break into a police station... and check fingerprints for a few hours. What do you think? My phone was only on for five minutes. I was in the neighborhood. Dave, I can't explain about the bank account. The other things I can explain. - I know about the affair. - It wasn't with Cindy. Oh, I know. The first lady. She told me everything. I know you're being framed. She showed me the blackmail photos. So where does that leave us? - We need to find this guy. - Come here. Yeah. You really are an idiot, you know that? - You honestly thought that this wouldn't be uncovered? - Dave, I love her. Well, that's practical. The prints belong to Gennady Ivanov, former K.G. B... now works for the personal security service for the president of Karjastan. I'm also showing confirmed intel that this is the guy... responsible for the Central Asian pipeline attacks. Confirmed intel on what, Agent Marin? This is a classified conversation. We'll be out of here in two minutes. - Yeah. Whatever. - Thank you. These people have the financial and intelligence resources to pull this off. All right, let's get going. We've still gotta find the mole. We polygraphed every agent with access to the president. Yours was the only one that showed deception. We need to figure out how the real traitor passed the test. Montrose had the list. You know I never guaranteed you success. Security's tighter than it's ever been. Routes, modes of transport, they're all random now. Yeah, but not random to you, William. I mean, if you wanted him on that helicopter at Camp David, you could have put him there. Now, you've been playing us since the beginning. All right. Fair enough. That's not gonna work anymore. - You did make a deal. - Yeah. Twenty years ago with the K.G.B., which doesn't even exist anymore. Do you want out, William? Then give me... the president. Just like you agreed. No. I don't care. Expose me. I don't care if I spend the rest of my life in prison for treason. I don't care if you kill me. - Here you go. - Have a pint. Oh. Thank you. William... if you don't do this, we're not gonna kill you. We are going to kill her. And we're gonna kill her. And then we're gonna kill her. Yes, William, the K.G.B. 's gone. But we're still here. William, it's all right. You do have a way out. But only one. When he finishes his speech, you take him on the primary route... to the "B" motorcade under the plaza... and you take the radios out. Then that's it. And we'll do the rest. Hey, look. You can keep those. I got doubles. Jill, it's David. I want you to get in touch with Downing and Medina. Confirm for me which one did Montrose's polygraph ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чебурашка и Крокодил Гена на английском - текст Собачья дверца на английском - текст Светлячок на английском - текст Ганнибал: Восхождение на английском - текст Оружейный барон на английском |