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about me in the next few days,
I want you to know I was framed.
- I had to tell you to your face.
- No, you don't. No, you don't.
- We're gonna get out of this.
- How?
I haven't figured that out yet.
- This is out of control.
You've got to turn yourself in.
- No, no.
- Yes, you do. I'll go to John. I'll tell him everything.
- I can't let you do that.
Pete, they think you're an assassin.
They will kill you.
- You can cover my back.
- How?
The director has got a daily password
for the agents. Find out what it is.
- I'm checking through stuff.
- Hey, guys. Garrison just used his cell phone.
He called Chez Doucette.
You turned around
when it rang, didn't you?
Yeah, I did.
Ballsy. Very ballsy.
DiPaola said she seemed
completely unfazed.
She came upstairs, waited five minutes
and told him what happened.
I'm just trying to understand
why he came here and why she reacted that way.
- This is your post?
- Yeah, it is.
Naturally, the first lady
doesn't want to believe...
the man protecting her
for the last eight months...
is trying to assassinate her husband.
That's why Pete came here.
He's looking for an ally.
And the first lady is
a very powerful ally to have.
Great. The idea is
to secure the entire site.
I want you to get every stolen car report
for the entire area.
Start looking for cars
that were taken within walking distance...
of the restaurant
or any of the nearby metro stations.
Then within those parameters,
I want you to isolate Accords...
- Tauruses, Camrys and Explorers.
- How do you know what kind
of car he's gonna steal?
Those are the four most commonly
registered vehicles in the D.C. area.
Pete knows that.
He's gonna want to blend in.
And the first thing he's gonna
want to do is find his informant.
If he tries to breach our computers,
we can find out where he's connecting from.
He knows we would know that.
He wouldn't do it.
- He could connect to someone else.
- How?
Well, he'd need
that person's password.
But as a supervisor, it wouldn't be hard
to get access to others' passwords.
- Why would he do that?
Why would he even risk it?
- Because he feels trapped.
We have his credit cards,
his cell phone.
He has no other place to hide.
- Can I help you?
- Oh, yes, ma'am.
My name is Lawson Smith.
I'm looking for a Walter Xavier.
Oh, lovely boy,
but he been gone a long time.
- Well, this is the address
we have on his sweepstakes form.
- Sweepstakes?
- Yes, ma'am. I'm with Publishers Clearing House.
- He win?
- Well, he's a finalist.
- Million dollars.
- And you must be his mother.
- Uh-huh.
Mrs. Miller. I'm remarried.
Would you have another address
or telephone number where I might reach him?
Oh, I'd love to help ya
get in touch with Walter.
Bet he could use the money, but...
I don't know where he is.
Walter and me haven't spoke
in three years.
Well, if you do talk to him,
tell him we got in touch.
Thank you, ma'am.
Have a good day.
Leave a message.
Walter, it's Mom.
A guy just come by the house
lookin' for ya. He's a cop.
On a gut level
it doesn't make sense.
- The only thing this guy
cares about in life is his job.
- And you know this, why?
Because he went out to the Academy
a few times and ran your field exercises?
Listen to me. Pete Garrison
was my best friend...
for 10 years...
till he slept with my wife.
So trust me when I tell you, the only thing
Pete Garrison cares about is Pete Garrison.
- Yeah?
- Somebody who's not Tom DiPaola...
just signed in to our databases
using DiPaola's password.
- Pulled up an address in Andrewsboro, Maryland.
- I don't believe this.
Get the rest of the team ready.
Let's go.
Notify Intel we've got a body.
Take the cars around
to the other side!
Damn it.
This is Breckinridge.
I'm in a salvage boat at the end of the dock.
- Set up a perimeter
Охранник Охранник

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- текст Человек-Амфибия на английском
- текст Онг-Банк: Тайский Воин на английском
- текст Алиса в Стране Чудес на английском
- текст Петля Ориона на английском
- текст Доходный дом Иккоку на английском

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