ugly, yellow, no-good... ... keister off my property... ... before I pump you full of lead. SNAKES: All right, Johnny. I'm sorry. I'm going. JOHNNY: One, two... ten. (GUNFIRE ON TV) (JOHNNY LAUGHS) JOHNNY: Keep the change, you filthy animal. What happened? I don't know who, but somebody got blown away. Somebody beat us. They're in there. Two of them. There was arguing. One blew the other one away. - Who? - I don't know. I recognized one of their voices. I heard that name "Snakes" before. Snakes? Snakes. Snakes. I don't know no Snakes. Snakes. Let's get out of here. Hold it. Hold it. Let's wait and see who it is. We work this neighborhood too. - Yeah. - Suppose the cops finger us on a job... ...and they ask us about a murder in the area. Won't it be nice to have a face to go with it? That's a good idea. Of course it's a good idea. Snakes? He sounded like a snake. Everything's full. Everything's full? I'm very sorry, but it is Christmas Eve. What about another airline? Nothing available. May I help you get a hotel room? - Tomorrow we can get you a flight. - I can't wait that long. I'm sorry, ma'am, but we're doing absolutely everything we can. I'm in your way. I'm sorry. You've places to go. Got a ticket there, good. Excuse me. Look, I have been awake for almost 60 hours. I'm tired and I'm dirty. I have been from Chicago to Paris, to Dallas, to... Where am I? Scranton. I'm trying to get home to my 8-year-old son. Now you're telling me it's hopeless? - I'm sorry. - No. No way. This is Christmas! The season of perpetual hope. KATE: If I have to get on your runway and hitchhike... ...if it costs me everything I own... ...if I have to sell my soul to the Devil himself... ...I am going to get home to my son. Ma'am, if there was anything... Do it. Do anything. - I can get you a hotel room. - What? Can you excuse us for a sec? Can I see you for a second, please? Excuse us. You got a little bit of a dilemma. We got a crisis ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. Gus Polinski. Polka King of the Midwest? The Kenosha Kickers? - Hi, there. - Hiya. That's okay. I thought you might have recognized... I had a few hits a few years ago. That's why I just... "Polka, Polka, Polka"? Polka, polka, polka "Twin Lakes Polka"? "Yamahoozie Polka," a.k.a. "Kiss Me Polka"? "Polka Twist"? These are songs? Yeah. Yeah, we... Some fairly big hits for us. You know, in the early '70s. Yeah, we sold about 623 copies of that. - In Chicago? - No, Sheboygan. Very big in Sheboygan. Did you say you could help? Anyway, I'm rambling on here. Our flight was canceled... we gotta drive. See the guy in the yellow jacket over there? He's gonna rent us a nice big van to drive to Milwaukee. Now, I heard you had some problems getting to Chicago? To see your kid? Uh, my son. He... We left, and he's there. If you have to get to Chicago, we'll gladly drive you. It's on the way to Milwaukee. - You'd give me a ride? - Sure, why not? You gotta get home. - A ride to Chicago? - Sure, it's Christmastime. Thank you. Oh, thank you. You don't mind going with polka bums? No, I'd love to. Hey, Marv. Marv, Marv! Look at this. I think we're getting scammed by a kindergartner. Dad, can you come here and help me? Remember that kid we saw the other day? He lives here. If the kid's here, the parents got to be. He's home alone. What? You want to come back tonight? Even with the kid here? I don't think that's a good idea. That house is the reason we worked this block. Ever since I saw that house, I wanted it. HARRY: Let's take it one step at a time. We'll unload the van, get a bite to eat, we'll come back about 9:00. Nine o'clock. This way it's dark. Yeah, kids are scared of the dark. You're afraid of the dark too. You know you are. No, I'm not. - Yes, you are. - Not, not, not. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки на английском - текст Руслан и Людмила на английском - текст Конан-варвар на английском - текст Темный кристалл на английском - текст Лучшие годы нашей жизни на английском |