here? - Yes. Because somebody owes me $ 122.50. I'd like a word with you. - Am I under arrest or something? HARRY: No. There's always a lot of burglaries around the holidays. We're checking the neighborhood to see if the proper precautions are taken. Oh, well... We have automatic timers for our lights, locks for our doors. PETER: That's about as well as anybody can do. - Did you get some eggnog? - Come on. - Let's eat. - Come on. - Eggnog? KEVIN: Pizza! - Are you gonna be leaving...? KEVIN: Pizza! LESLIE: Grab a napkin and pour your own drinks. - Does Santa go through customs? - What time do we have to go to bed? Early. We're leaving at 8 a.m. On the button. I hope you're all drinking milk. I want to get rid of it. PETER: Pizza boy needs $ 122.50. KATE: For pizza? PETER: Ten pizzas times 12 bucks. - You've got money. - Traveler's checks. Forget it, Frank. We have cash. PETER: You probably got the checks that don't work in France. Did anyone order me a plain cheese? Yeah. But if you want any... ...somebody's gonna have to barf it up because it's gone. LESLIE: Fuller! Go easy on the Pepsi. Kev! Kev, get a plate. (MAKES VOMITING NOISES) (SCREAMS) (YELLING) - Passports! FRANK: Watch it! No, no. Get these passports out of here. KEVIN: You moron! Are you okay, honey? Come here. Are you all right? What is the matter? He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose. KEVIN: He knows I hate sausage and olives... Look what you did, you little jerk! Get upstairs now. Why? You're such a disease. - Shut up! - Kevin, upstairs! - Say good night, Kevin. - "Good night, Kevin." MEGAN: Now what's for dinner? Why do I get treated like scum? I'm sorry. This house is just crazy. We've got all these extra kids running around. My brother's in from Ohio. It's nuts. How come you didn't bring more cheese pizzas? Nice tip. Thanks. Thanks. Having a reunion? My husband's brother transferred to Paris. His kids are still here. He missed the family, so he invited us to Paris... we'll be together. - You're taking a trip to Paris? - Yes, we leave tomorrow morning. Excellent. Excellent. If you'll excuse me, this one's a little out of sorts. Don't worry about me. I spoke to your husband. And don't worry about your home. It's in good hands. 15 people in this house, and only you have to make trouble. I'm getting dumped on. You're the only one acting up. Now get upstairs. I am upstairs, dummy! The third floor? - Go. - It's scary up there. Fuller'll be up in a while. I don't want to sleep with Fuller. He wets the bed. He'll pee all over me. I know it. We'll put him somewhere else. I'm sorry. It's too late. Get upstairs. (STOMPS) Everyone in this family hates me! Then ask Santa for a new family. I don't want a new family. I don't want any family. Families suck! Stay up there. I don't want to see you again tonight. I don't want to see you for the rest of my life. I don't want to see anybody else either. I hope you don't mean that. You'd feel pretty sad if you woke up and didn't have a family. No, I wouldn't. Then say it again. Maybe it'll happen. I hope I never see any of you jerks again! KEVIN: I wish they would all just disappear. (WIND BLOWS) (SHUTTERS RATTLE) (CRACKING) (KNOCKING) DRIVER 1: Where are they? DRIVER 2: I don't know. She said 8. (DOORBELL RINGS) Peter! - We slept in! - We slept in! (CLAMORING) Hi, I'm Mitch Murphy. I live across the street. You guys going out of town? We're going to Florida. Well, first we're going to Missouri to pick up my grandma. You know the McCallisters are going to France? Do you know if it's cold? - Do these vans get good mileage? - Kid, I don't know. Hit the road! Do a head count. Get everyone in the vans. Where are the passports? I put them in the microwave to dry. How fast does this go? Does it have automatic transmission? Does it have 4-wheel drive? Look, I told ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Книга мастеров на английском - текст Цвет граната на английском - текст Война и мир на английском - текст Бетховен 3 на английском - текст Я люблю мою младшую сестренку на английском |