He... We left, and he's there. If you have to get to Chicago, we'll gladly drive you. It's on the way to Milwaukee. - You'd give me a ride? - Sure, why not? You've got to get home. - A ride to Chicago? - Sure, it's Christmastime. Thank you. Oh, thank you. You don't mind going with polka bums? No, I'd love to. Hey, Marv. Marv, Marv! Look at this. I think we're getting scammed by a kindergartner. Dad, can you come here and help me? Remember that kid we saw the other day? He lives here. If the kid's here, the parent's got to be. He's home alone. What? You want to come back tonight? Even with the kid here? I don't think that's a good idea. That house is the reason we worked this block. Ever since I saw that house, I wanted it. Let's take it one step at a time. We'll unload the van, get a bite to eat, we'll come back about 9:00. Nine o'clock. This way it's dark then. Yeah, kids are scared of the dark. You're afraid of the dark too. You know you are. No, I'm not. - Yes, you are. - Not, not, not. You are so. Mom, where are you? Do you play? Do you want to try? Go ahead, try it. Try it! - Excuse me. - Yeah? Hey, nice shoes. Oh, thanks. Is he still here? It's really important that I see him. He's getting in his car. If you hurry, you can catch him. How low! Giving Kriss Kringle a parking ticket on Christmas Eve! What's next, rabies shots for the Easter Bunny? Santa, hold on. - Can I talk to you for a minute? - Quickly. Santa's running late. I know you're not the real Santa Claus. Huh, what makes you say that? Just out of curiosity. - I'm old enough to know how it works. - All right. But I also know you work for him. - I'd like you to give him a message. - Shoot. Kevin McCallister, 681 Lincoln Blvd. Do you need the phone number? No, that's all right. This is extremely important. Please tell him instead of presents, I just want my family back. No toys. Nothing but Peter, Kate, Buzz, Megan, Linnie and Jeff. And my aunt and my cousins. And if he has time, my Uncle Frank. Okay? Okay. - I'll see what I can do. - Thanks. Wait. My elf took the last of the candy canes home to her boyfriend. - That's okay. - No, don't be silly. Everybody who sees Santa has got to get something. Here, hold out your little paw there. There you go. - Don't spoil your dinner. - I won't. Thanks. Son of a...! Merry Christmas. May I sit down? That's my granddaughter. The little red-haired girl. She's about your age. You know her? No. You live next to me, don't you? You can say hello when you see me. You don't have to be afraid. There's a lot of things going around about me, but none of it's true. Okay? - You've been good this year? - I think so. You swear to it? No. Yeah. Well, this is the place to be if you're feeling bad about yourself. - It is? - I think so. - Are you feeling bad about yourself? - No. I've been kind of a pain lately. I said some things I shouldn't have. I really haven't been too good this year. Yeah. I'm kind of upset because I really like my family. Even though sometimes I say I don't. Sometimes I even think I don't. - Do you get that? - I think so. How you feel about family is a complicated thing. Especially with an older brother. Deep down, you'll always love him. But you can forget that you love him. You can hurt them, they can hurt you. That's not just because you're young. You want to know the real reason why I'm here? Sure. I came to hear my granddaughter sing. I can't come hear her tonight. You have plans? No. I'm not welcome. At church? You're always welcome at church. I'm not welcome with my son. Years back, before you and your family moved on the block... ...I had an argument with my son. How old is he? He's grown up. We lost our tempers, and I said I didn't care to see him anymore. He said the same, and we haven't spoken to each other since. If you miss him, why don't you call him? ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Голубой гром на английском - текст Чудеса своего рода на английском - текст Друзья - Сезон 8 на английском - текст Иллюзия убийства 2 на английском - текст Гиперболоид инженера Гарина на английском |