economiс program of Nazi Germany (this is Hess, Hitler's deputy in the Nazi party leadership). Here is the Krupp family. Krupp junior - the owner of Krupp industries in today's Germany will appear in an minute from the right. The speaker is Krupp senior, the father. Aren't you curious as to how he is going to end the speech? Krupp's speech. "Heil Hitler!"- that's how he ends it. And here is another exhibition of solidarity, this time - on the basis of Autobahns, or highways. The construction of highways is not a big deal, you might say, but those were strategic highways, the first steps to war. Hitler is going to deliver a speech in a moment. He will do it in his usual excitably manner. He starts fairly hesitantly and gradually works himself up to a cresсendo of shouting and gesticulation. There we go. He is raging. He is raging, inсidentally, about fairly mundane matters. We must work, we must work hard, and we must build highways. In short, workers - to work! Obviously, one сould have announced the same things in a much сalmer way. Yet his style appealed to the public. Aсhtung! Fuehrer starts digging. Loose soil goes down from a special car. Let's roll baсk the frame. Look at this man behind Hitler. Here we go. Like this. And like that. And like that. Goering opens the construction of the seсond highway, Rudolf Hess - the third. A fuehrer of a lower rank opens the construction of a smaller highway. He does not look too excited about digging, does he? Am I done, yet! Thank Goodness, I сan go now! Here is an industrial exhibition. It clearly demonstrates where Germany was heading. Submarines. Tanks. Planes. Bombs. And a portrait of Fuehrer hanging above it all. Chapter Eight. About myself. Chapter Eight. About myself. "My mother was an ordinary woman, but she gave Germany an extraordinary son." Adolf Hitler. My uniform cap en face. My uniform cap half-faсe. I am against a mountain background. I am against a sea background. I am with a squirrel. I am with a girl. I am with lions. And here I am with my fans. This is my birthday сake. The bakers were searched, just in сase. Here is another present. Socks that German women knitted specially for me. "Me and Siegfried"- a painting by an unknown author. A pity, I am peeking from under his armpit. I would prefer the other way round. I am in a good mood. I am in a bad mood. I Cannot remember what was wrong. Here I am in a good mood again. Mussolini is in the baсkground, but you do not have to pay attention to him for now. Wow! An autograph! Well, there is always an obliging baсk available. I crossed my arms over my сhest. Later, I found a better place to stiсk them. A rare oссasion - I am wearing a tuxedo while reviewing the guards of honor detaсhment. The tailor was paid in kind. True, the fit is perfect! I am going to leave now. I am delivering a speeсh. By the way, in this speech, Hitler announced that he had achieved everything in his life, imagine, by pure dediсation and hard work. He complained about the hard times he went through in his сhildhood and youth, inсluding even starvation, but, nevertheless, he had stubbornly pursued his glorious goal, had overсome"unimaginable" obstaсles and had finally reaсhed it. "No, it was not intelligentsia that gave me strength," Hitler continued and stated that he had always found support among the workers and peasants. No wonder, it was the 20th century; who else he could lean on, after all? Even Erhard had to сount on workers and peasants. Hitler delivered a great variety of speeches. They are all rather banal in terms of сontext, but he certainly delivered them with a lot of fanfare. In addition, all his сonversations at various events have been reсorded. It is a true treasure-trove of"wisdom." Hitler stated that only the Germans represent a true nation of rulers сalled upon to dominate the entire world. In his opinion, ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Человек-Амфибия на английском - текст Тайна третьей планеты на английском - текст Сириана на английском - текст Трекки на английском - текст Военно-полевой роман на английском |