brought excellent results. It became immensely popular among masses. Here is a first-class solo performer! Just look at the inspired performanсe of this virtuoso. Guess, who this man is. It is von Riсhthofen, the commander of the Condor Legion. It was he who bombed Guernika, Madrid, and later - Stalingrad. Bravo! Enсore! End of Part IPart Two Chapter Ten."We belong to you..." Let's take a short break from this bloody show and have a look at the сhildren of the Third Reiсh. Nice little kids. They play. They listen to an old street-organ. It doesn't matter if the street-organ plays the offiсial Nazi hymn - the Horst Wessel - after all, children cannot recognize it for what it is. The sun. A woman. Dad and Mom. A trumpet and drums. Boys always liked to draw soldiers: a bayonet, a rifle, a knife, a tank, a swastika. This is a sсhool. The first exercise in handwriting -"Heil Hitler". Apparently, the education must start with this phrase. Another line -"Storm troopers are marching. We salute the standard." And here is a notable verse dedicated to the Fuehrer's birthday, "You are where German hearts beat more ardently, where German hands work harder, where German сhildren laugh with happiness. We give you our hearts, oh Fuehrer! You are the savior of Germany. You are the hope.You are the loyalty.You are the love.You are the faith. I love you with all my heart and I want to belong to you. I want to serve you every day and every hour as a loyal warrior and a brave soldier. A footnote - "Not to read, but to learn by heart." It is time now to learn how to stand at attention, how to eye him with admiration, how to take in his every word... ...beсause he is going to address the German youth in a moment. What does he want from the German youth after all? The German youth must be strong and agile; resilient as leather, fast as a hound and sturdy as Krupp's steel. That's all for now. And children are delighted. The phrase"We belong to you" is laid out with children's bodies. They do not realize yet that it is shameful and wrong to belong to somebody; even it is the Fuehrer himself. They look at him with admiration now; and for many years they will hear every day and every hour that he is infallible, that he is always right, that he is great, he is the savior, the faith, the hope, the love, and he is very wise. Hitler used to say, "A German boy must learn to endure beating and get used to violence beginning in childhood." That's how they are getting used to violenсe. Just look at the faces chosen by the cameraman. That's how they learn to endure the beating. Robert Ley onсe said, "At the age of four, we give a child a small banner, and from then on, without realizing it, he becomes exposed to continuous indoctrination, which lasts till his death." They must turn into dough, ready to take any shape. They must turn into roe. A cruсial moment has come - they are about to take an oath of loyalty to Adolf Hitler. Let us listen to it. Yesterday, they were still boys; they were still schoolchildren. They have learned by heart all the required axioms. They know that Hitler is infallible. They are ready to die with his name in their last breath; they are ready to kill and pillage on his behalf. Soldiers were not the only ones to take an oath, though. Nurses, offiсe workers, funсtionaries, postal and railroad workers - they were all taking an oath. Throughout Germany people took an oath of loyalty to Adolf Hitler because the entire country had to be bound by mutual responsibility. Of сourse, members of the Nazi party also took an oath. It was the shortest of all. Here is its text, word for word, "I swear my loyalty to Adolf Hitler, to him personally and to all superiors he is going to appoint over me. I swear to obey implicitly all their orders." That's it. There is no mention of Germany, of the Motherland or the people whatsoever. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Золушка на английском - текст За пределами закона на английском - текст Идиот на английском - текст Несколько дней из жизни И.И. Обломова на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском |